Most young people in Taiwan You will choose not to fight in a possible struggle across the strait despite the increasing military threats from Beijing, according to the informal interviews conducted by The South China Mourning Post.
In many interviews, the Taiwanese youth revealed a frequency in the fighting that stems mainly of concerns about the life-threatening nature of war and military defects in Taiwan against the main righteousness, which was described by the Taiwanese leader William Lay Cheng-T.Foreign power“.
Other reasons included doubts about whether the United States or its allies, such as Japan, interferes, the perceived lack of preparedness, and the belief that the war was unlikely during the next five years.
“Of course, I do not want to go to war if it is chosen because it is a matter of life and death,” said Yu Bo Cheng, 25, a sports feeding supply worker in Taipei.
He added: “But in the event of a mobilization, our time will be formulated for sure if the war of the cross straightener erupted, which means that we will have to deal with it, whether we want it or not.”
Yu Yi Wi -Yi said that it was the duty of every soldier to help defend Taiwan, but he had no desire to fight if there was no commitment.