Why did we finish aid to Joy will be a serious threat

WA hat is the biggest threat to health security for the American people? There are some powerful candidates. The bird flu is spread in birds and livestock and 50 species of mammals. Measles cases rise inside and outside. Covid-19 is still spreading and can turn into a more deadly strain. Beyond that, Uganda continues to respond to Ebola’s outbreak and MPOX seen in 127 countries. But it may be the greatest threat to America’s health may be subjective. According to A report published yesterday in New York TimesOur leaders intend to do so End financing For international fortification programs – including the GAVI alliance that led it from 2011 to 2023 – it has been protecting Americans from health threats abroad. These cuts represent a serious threat to health, luxury and ways of living every American.

Foreign Minister Marco Rubio explained that the American national interest will be the task of the US foreign policy. He said: “In every dollar we spend, every program we finance, and every policy we follow must be justified while answering three simple questions.” “Do America make more secure? Do America make stronger? Do America make more prosperous?” For decades, the United States’ support for immunization abroad answered every questions of these questions with the round “yes”, and the United States and the US government played a major role in financing the vaccines of many of the world’s poorest children.

The vaccines are our first defense line when it comes to preventing infectious diseases, and the last word when the time comes to respond to the outbreak of escalating or pandemic. In a world that changes quickly, we know that the next epidemic is the issue of when, not.

Think about Gavi, an international alliance of public and private sector partners who were at the forefront of this global vaccination effort. Javi, That received $ 300 million from the United States in 2024An innovative financing model is used to reduce the cost of these vaccines significantly and then gradually transfer the costs of fortification programs to their national governments while moving from low -income to average economies. The coalition provides vaccines for half of the children of the world, and it may fortify more than 1.1 billion additional children and adjust the past 25 years. In this process, he achieved a return on the investment that will be Wall Street’s envy: $ 54 per dollar spent.

Of course, as a former executive of Joy, I am biased. But with any objective action, the results of Gavi were unusual, not only in terms of dropping the soft American force, but also in terms of preserving the vital security interests of America and our allies.

The front line of the battle against many infectious diseases may be far from the American border, but every case of measles and influenza on American soil tells us the same simple story: viruses are not interested in borders. Since we live in a connected world, fortification in the poorest countries is a large part of how we stop the prevalence of preventive but destroyed diseases abroad, but also to find American soil that can cost life and may end up to cost billions of dollars. In other words, the coverage of the strongest fortification in Khartoum and Kinshasa saves the lives there, and also in Kansas City.

Think about returning to a little more than 10 years. In 2014, three West African countries were destroyed due to the outbreak of the Ebola virus, which killed more than 11,000 people. We have seen situations in the United States and six additional countries, and we saw fear and panic, the fact that there was no vaccine to control the disease. Not only Gavi has helped get a trial vaccine via the finish line, but also created a global stock of vaccine that has played a major role in rapidly outbreak of the outbreak. So far, no additional case has reached the United States

This healthy profit distributions are the reason for decades, the American funding for global fortification programs has always enjoyed the support of the rocky rock parties, starting with President George W. Bush and its continuation during President Trump’s first term, when it was 5.5 % increase request For Gavi, he even cut contributions to other global health programs.

His continuous support for Gavi was logical because the coalition was seen as a model of how to do aid. Among other things, the United States, the second largest government financier after the United Kingdom, did not push more than its share of the global economy. Since 2000, her work has witnessed 19 countries that enhance their health systems and economies to the point that they no longer need international support for immunization. It became one of these countries, Indonesia, donated in Gavi for the first time. This differs from many aid programs without the exit strategy. The more Gavi supports us, the faster today when it is a successful success from work, after we all make the safer in this process.

The American people voted for America first. For many, this means reducing waste, using every taxpayer dollar wisely, and the guarantee of each of these dollars enhances American interests. Gavi helps in achieving all these goals, and its current executive president He said today He did not receive an official termination notice and hopes to work with the White House and Congress to secure financing. Let us all hope that these efforts will be successful. Cutting money for shots means shooting ourselves in the foot. Keeping our support for immunization abroad continues to make the world and America a more healthy and safer place for all of us.

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