This week is presented by Mercury Retrograde and the beginning of the Aries season; The new astronomical year like Aries is the first sign of zodiac.
A lot of cosmic energy in the air. Many invisible forces at work, pushing you to new sites and spaces.
Let them do their job. Let yourself be guided by signs, times and honesty.
If you need a hand to discover what it is truly Continue, come to see me for Invisible forces reading. Meanwhile, let’s use Taro to determine what to search for, and what this means for you, this next week.
From March 21 to April 20

Taro card for the paper for this week: Six of Al Selj
meaning: The brand or omen is required to notice this week by six of the tag. This means that you are about to enter a lucky win for six weeks! The Midas touch fell. All you touch will turn into gold, so be an investor and focus on the things you want to pay off.
This card requires you to search for the sixth number, repetitions of it, symbols, or elements associated with winning, competitions, coincidence games, and literal connections! Discover any of these things and take the opportunity because good luck rides with you!
Go here to get everything you need to know about being a Aries
From April 21 to May 21

TAURUS Card for this week: Lovers
meaning: The brand or omen that you are asked to notice this week is presented to you by lovers. This means that you will be seduced in a new direction, a new person or a lover, a role or a different position to the main place with which you are now participating. You will need to make a difficult decision, the head decision versus the heart.
This card requires you to search for the sixth number or repetitions of it, double or double pictures or elements (such as salt and pepper utensils, twin, pairs of socks, the ends of books). Discover any of these things and take a long time to consider your choice and the next step.
Go here to get everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21

Taro Croco Card for this week: Seven coins
meaning: The sign or omen that is asked to notice this week is presented to you by seven coins. This means that you will test something that makes you rethink something or someone in your life for a long time. Is it still working? Is it what you want?
This card requires you to search for the seventh number or repetitions of it, or a zigzag paths or a crossroads, or separation or frustration sensations. Discover any of these things and remember that you are free to change the path yourself whenever he wants it. Nothing promised.
Go here to everything you need to know about being a nut
June 22 to July 23

Taro Cancer Card for this week: Sun
meaning: The mark or omen that you are asked to notice this week is presented to you by the sun. This means that you enter a magical stage of deep joy, success, achievement, love and happiness. Global travel on cards, and a wonderful holiday may have been reserved.
This card requires you to search for or repeat the number 19, pictures of the sun or strange patterns of sunlight that attract your attention. Discover any of these things and consider it permission to do something to make yourself really happy and excited! You deserve it.
Go here to everything you need to know about being a cancer
From July 24 to August 23

Taro Liu Card for this week: Ruling
meaning: The mark or omen that you are asked to notice this week is presented to you by the ruling. This means that you are about to receive a series of games (if not life) change revelation, visions and moments of self -awareness. Prepare to receive wisdom, Leo!
This card requires you to search for or repeat the number 20, decorative or antique mirrors or reflective surfaces, standards, and pictures of people who prevent you in your paths. Discover any of these things and ask the universe to tell you what you need to know, then stay calm for five minutes and let your thoughts flow. I visible visions …
Go here for everything you need to know about being Liu
August 24 to September 23

The Taro Card for the Virgin for this week: Sword
meaning: The brand or omen is required to notice this week by King of Swords. This means that you are scheduled to receive some expert or professional advice related to your future goals or ideals. This advice is useful and useful, as it changes the things you think you need to do.
This card requires you to search for an academic badge, companies, symbols and buildings, and for experts on TV or radio who make you listen to what they say. Discover any of these things and remind yourself of searching for specialized advice about something that has not been answered about it. What you hear will be vital.
Here go to everything you need to know about being a virgin
From September 24 to October 23

The Taro Card for this week: Nine cups
meaning: The mark or omen that you are asked to notice this week is presented to you by nine cups. This means that you will test a dream come true, a wish gave, a magic jump for faith towards the things you want now. What a wonderful week lies in the store.
This card requires you to search for nine or repeat number, or decorative or golden or golden containers, magic elements and beings in the windows that shine and shine. Discover any of these things and do something spontaneous and immediately that exactly explains the universe what your true heart is! It will be granted.
Here go to everything you need to know about being the balance
the scorpion
October 24 to November 22

Taro Card for Scorpio for this week: Two swords
meaning: The mark or omen that is asked to notice this week is presented to you by two swords. This means that you will make a very important decision this week. This decision is already known to you, but it has been commented for a while because you did not feel right about any of the options. This week will!
This card requires you to search for the second number or repetitions of it, or hanging, components, creatures, ornamentators or mutations. Discover any of these things and you will know that today It is today to make your final decision.
Go here to everything you need to know about being a scorpion
November 23 to December 21

Taro Card for Sagittarius for this week: Four of the Slog
meaning: The brand or omen is required to notice this week by four of the swords. This means that a promotional offer, progress, reward, better project, larger role, or promising transition will be made to a new place (and with greater capabilities). Everything is upward and higher than this point!
This card requires you to search for the fourth number or repetitions from them, or ancient or unusual compounds that pass through you, or the beautiful lamps or emerging plants that have just started to circumvent. Discover any of these things and feel that success is looking for you! Make sure to be visible and positive for people with influence in your life this week.
Go here to everything you need to know about being an arrow
December 22 to January 21

The Taro Card for the two captains for this week: foolish
meaning: The mark or omen that is asked to notice this week is presented to you by the fool. This means that you will take a giant leap of faith and start a new start that no one sees coming … perhaps not even yourself. This opportunity will fly from blue and you will know immediately that this is the right thing to do even though it is not planned.
This card requires you to search for the zero number or its repetitions from it, the edges of the abyss, feathers, clown or clown accessories, and fast -moving clouds. Discover any of these things and you are at a high alert and accompaniment because your new chance is just around the corner!
Go here to everything you need to know about being Capricorn
January 22 to February 19

Taro Aquimacy Card for this week: Queen of Sulaban
meaning: The brand or omen is required to notice this week by the Queen of Solan. This means that you will incite an amazing adventure for yourself this week, and you may look forward to it in the future! It can be associated with profession, creativity, travel, or education.
This card requires you to search for inspiring women and their stories, places, events, or activities that are heading, on symbols, royal symbols, or tools. Discover any of these things and think about what you want most in 2025 … and go!
Here go to everything you need to know about being a bucket
February 20 to March 20

Pisces Taro Card for this week: Seven cups
meaning: The mark or omen that you are asked to notice this week is presented to you by seven cups. This means that you are ready for one of your psychological weeks, where visions, ideas, perceptions and visions flow freely and from sources that go beyond your five regular senses. He will feel intense and magical.
This card requires you to search for the seventh number or repetitions of it, and the moments when you feel that you have lost a few seconds or slip out outside the normal physical reality … and perhaps you have! Discover any of these things and wipe your psyche for new information received, whether it is audio, symbolic, sensitive or emotional. You will need to explain what you receive.
Go here to everything you need to know about being a whale
Kerry King was reading, studying and creating Taro for 30 years. Join the magic and exclusive Taro club for predictions, forecasts, lessons and readings directly to your in inventive box. Enjoy one month free For all metro readers (without locking or commitment) Patterion.
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