Types of new birds specified in Indonesia

A new type hidden of the genus honey Mizomella Described by an international team of bird scientists from Malaysia, India, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Mizomella Babar (Myzomela Babarensis). Credit image: James A. Etone.

Mizomella It is the biggest and geographical sex in the Honeyeater family Meliphagidae.

He described it for the first time by natural scientists Nicholas Nafis and Thomas Horfeld in 1827, and now contains more than 40 scientifically recognized species.

Mizomella It ranges from Indonesia to Australia and to the Pacific Islands as much as Micronesia and Samoa.

Members of the sex of colored birds, which eat nectar. It is an important component of the island ecosystems and often constitute some of the most abundant cazbables in eastern Indonesia.

In new research, the world of the international bird, the bird player Alex Periman, and his colleagues, conducted a classification review of three groups of types called Panda Mizomella (Myzomela Boiei)).

“We have achieved a classification Myzomela BoieiThe researchers explained that one of the colored honey, which is sexually dual honey distributed in two branches across three island groups in the Panda Sea, southern Maloco Province, “the researchers explained.

Myzomela Boiei Boiei It happens in the Panda Islands, while Myzomela Boiei Annabellae spoke on Babar (and possibly satellites) and Tanimbar islands (registered from Yamdeena and Serau at least, and perhaps all the time). “

“With the addition of Damar, the Letie Islands, Kicear and other small islands between them, these islands include” Panda Bahr Islands “, a region with a relatively low diversity of birds but expected expected.”

Authors examined 28 museum samples and 21 audio recording of Myzomela BoieiAnd 152 operating experiments also conducted.

Samples were provided by the American Museum of Natural History, New York, the Natural History Museum, Tring.

The audio recordings were collected from Xeno-Canto.org and Makulay LibraryAnd by calling the sound records who visited the relevant islands.

“compared to Myzomela Boiei Annabellaeand Myzomela Boiei Boiei It has a longer suite than C.10 %, Bill and Tarsus, more comprehensive for black breasts, more comprehensive back market ponds, and a very different song; In operating experiences, Myzomela Boiei Boiei It is proven that he does not respond to records Myzomela Boiei AnnabellaeThe scholars said.

However, songs Myzomela Boiei Annabellae on Tanimbars and Babar are also very different, as the residents of both arelands do not respond to the other song. “

“Birds are slightly larger than Myzomela Boiei Annabellae On Tanimbars (with a longer C.10 % tail) and may have more crimson on its back. “

Bee Myzomela Babarensis (The common name is Babar Myzomela), newly described species in Babar, and perhaps including the five small satellites on the island.

Myzomela Boiei Currently listed as Least On the IUCN Red List, “The researchers said.

“While the proposed division Myzomela Boiei In three widely restricted types that may indicate that each of them may be at an increasing risk of extinction, all of the population is largely adaptable to the deterioration of habitats and is common within its own ranges. “

Myzomela Babarensis It occurs in all types of wooded habitats, including “deteriorating agricultural lands”, so its inhabitants may not be largely affected by the continuous deterioration of forests on Babar. “

“We suggest that Myzomela Boieiand Myzomela Annabellae and Myzomela Babarensis Best Least

team paper It was published in British Bird Scholars Club Bulletin.


Alex J Piriman And others. 2025. Banda Mizomella Classification Review Myzomela Boiei (S. Müller 1843), including the description of a new type of Babar Island, Indonesia. British Bird Scholars Club Bulletin 145 (1): 35-48; Doi: 10.25226/bboc.v145i1.2025.A4

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