This is what is happening when you let a bad international organization run your marketing

It was the middle of all hands design when it came.

One of them asked:

“Why don’t we use Chatgpt only to copy?”

Everyone began to go to this, but as head of content design, I had to be the bad man. I did not oppose artificial intelligence just. There was a clear issue: the security risks of the company’s royal information. But there was also a thorny issue that the designers did not get.

In the past ten years, the content design has been raised, but it was not the easiest growth. The same trends that make it difficult to do a wonderful content design that makes Amnesty International a threat to these organizations. Thin content designers have been published or struggled to influence our projects. Many committed about bringing him at the end of the tail of an advantage, and asked to clean the words, then see the designer or PM to you in a surprise when it takes more than a day to clean the flow. Worse than that, I saw graduation projects where engineers accidentally use an old model version or even changing the content on a whim.

You can say that these are the reasons for Amnesty International to be useful, as it may help the content designers focus on the higher level strategy, and expand its scope more effectively. However, if the content design and its strategy lacks systems, checks and governance, well, artificial intelligence will only exacerbate this problem, not to fix it.

Cost number 1: It looks like anyone else

We have all seen social media leaflets: I have artificial intelligence, a reputation problem for many consumers. Whether people realize this accurately or not, people do not generally like it.

A great example of how many people feel about artificial intelligence. Source: Jenna Dini, BluezkiA great example of how many people feel about artificial intelligence. Source: Jenna Dini, Bluezki

Creating content with artificial intelligence, tends to have a specific sound/voice, unless you are ready to edit it or know how to demand additional signs or examples to simulate it.

If you do not feel your voice, tone, and how you want to put yourself, this can weaken your brand. It becomes women’s capacity, but just the company of Other Amnesty International and in this current environment? It can make fewer people trust or like your brand.

Cost number 2: Increase the contradiction

Wait, did I say that artificial intelligence can all look like it? There is a difference between sound and consistency.

The problem here is that if you lack instructions on how to write specific types of content, you can increase confidence with users by creating inconsistent experiences. It can be simple as using two different words for the same idea. In the social media application, are they contacts or communications? Is it an invitation or a request?

On the surface that looks very small, but problems can grow over time, as they interfere with features or contradict each other. If you do not decide these conditions, artificial intelligence will help you to continue creating multiple overlapping conditions for the same thing. This can provide support that may be very difficult to control the road.

Cost number 3: ineffective content

One of the largest myths in content design and strategy is that “Only about words”. A large part of the work is to tell a story through visual layouts, and to determine the content that makes the most effective experience. Amnesty International can develop to help answer these questions, but at the present time, it is still limited. For example, Chatgpt can reach the best way to describe the opponent as a head. However, if your user is still concerned about the process you are working on, the content is still decreased. The presence of the ability to ask is not only what is the right content but in an experience still in the experience is better when you have a person, especially an expert on his head.

I don’t think we should avoid artificial intelligence completely. It can be great to generate ideas, or play in other ways to express an idea. But if you do not have brand march or content standards, you will start to look like anyone else. Worse than that, if you do not have the right people who review and edit this content, you are just creating modest content faster. Worse, you can easily lose customers and the public due to the problem of artificial intelligence confidence. With the way many organizations today cut the design of content and strategists in their demobilization, many may have to learn in the difficult way that these experts are more important than ever.

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