IShe asked me a month or two if I had a spatial overwhelming experience, or what opportunities were at the age of sixty. Virtual reality Glasses, I had said that it was likely like a technology giant from the Silicon Valley, which is appointed to “sweat” the US federal government.
Allow me to explain the series of unbearable events that led me to the latest in technology.
Over the years, I had to master acrobatic situations that would qualify me Cirque du Soleil In order to avoid discomfort while working on my computer. Although moving to a permanent office and multiple tours of heavy physiio, I am no longer able to use my right arms without pain in the mind, which controls any opportunity to focus on sustainable periods.
Last year, I felt in particular a tormented battle against contradictory cognitive performance and brain fog, as a result of the use of insecurity for ineffective anti -inflammatory. I did not do very little in my life, and I hadn’t much time at my hands. I am now armed with an MRI survey that shows a tendon to tear in the shoulder, and three trinity neck tablets that pressure the nerves that are going on my arms – the history of NHS surgery dates back to fight my country.
In order to overcome this, I learned to develop curiosity, a great source of distraction, which I was practicing a lot through the art of urban walking. I leave the house, open to the place where the adventure may take me … because you never know. Last week, I finished dancing to DJ Excellent in Camden Association A pub in the middle of the afternoon.
Two months ago, I left the house when I thought it would be a station in a museum, but I instead found myself in a store looking for a charger for my iPhone. While standing there, I explained to a sympathetic young sales assistant that I am a seat writer, and that my right arms had been temporarily disabled and asked if he had a tool that enables me to get food in my mouth with my left hand, without stabbing myself in the eye.
When he asked if I wanted to try a “mixed and mixed headset”, it looked ignorant. He explained that they were using multimedia experiences, such as watching movies and games that you watch on virtual screens. I suggest that the eye follow, along with the audio control of the accessories features, can bring me back to work.
The next moment, sitting in the demonstration area wearing a pair of thick and heavy glass glasses. After fast preparation, a small green point is hovered in the air. I click on my thumb and finger together and the familiar set of application icons appear in a transparent optical overload. The pixel graphics makes the symbols more distinctive than the chair in front. Eye tracking is the most surprising. All I need is to look at the app that I want to run, click my finger and thumb gently together and open the program. I can move multiple screens closer or beyond me, like furniture in the room.
I try other programs, open the pictures and expand them to life. I watch overwhelming videos where real dinosaurs appear like any nightmare in a fully blown, except that they are a kind of wonderful and check this in the same way that I keep the gap on them. I remember the moment of paternity and motherhood when my son was a young child and was struggling to know whether his stuffed animals were real or not. He felt comfortable to be told that, despite the mummified symmetrical version, there was nothing like Gruffalo. Once he understood that it was a visual trick, he had to ask the difference between the real and pretend again.
Mobility on my way around different programs feels slightly learning to get my balance on a bike. I feel confused. The movement speed requires continuous adaptation to spatial and visual signals. I start relaxing. I even communicate with digital organisms and interact with them – a butterfly lands on my finger. I find myself interacting with the same type of wonder that I experienced in the real world.
Then cancel. I showed a little phone call on the side of the grant that allows me to control the amount of reality in which I want to remain immersed. The real room disappears, leaving a mountain scene. I am surprised. Its spatial depth, light and shade, makes the scene very alive. I feel the space around me. Although I know it is not real – and this distinction is clear – I suffer from a mood shift as if it was. It is somewhat similar to going to the tube in the Piccadilla circuit and appeared at the next station to find yourself on a beach in the Bahamas.
If the possibilities in these overwhelming spaces seem somewhat terrifying, consider the historical amendments to nervous perception and spatial awareness that we made as the kind and consequences of cultural and scientific progress. Take the visual arts at the time of the Renaissance, the root transformation of the spatial perspective from two to three in drawing, or how physics evolved because we were able to imagine the invisible behavior of the universe that is not available to the human eye.
Within minutes, I was moving inside and outside the programs easily; Using my eyes and hands, I set my arms without launching nerve pain. I see programs that show breakthroughs in medical training and overwhelming experiences that can be used in educational environments, in art, architecture and design. I watched it, I found myself soaked in tears in the idea that I might be able to work in the months before the surgery and during rehabilitation.
Even my thoughts moved to my next dilemmas. How would I have destroyed the news of my husband? Thirty years of marriage and al -Qaeda has always been, we consult with each other on purchases that exceed 100 pounds. How did I explain to him, by phone, the deep hope that just descended from me? The shift in my mood, and the difference in the vision that I went through for the next year of my life? I felt that someone had given me a smart drug, a magic treatment for brain fog. In fact, I was the exchange of pain relievers for glasses, at any time.
There was only one answer. I must bring them home so that he can try them himself. I took a picture of an unbearable purchase and sent it with the message, “Do not suffer from a heart attack, I can return it.” He returns immediately, “I am facing a heart attack.” Leave the store with deep creative ideas and new virtual reality glasses, carrying the bag with my left arms. Get a bus walking in the wrong direction, not picking visual evidence for 10 other stations.
Negotiations as soon as I make it at home lasting for a long time at night. We outperform the reviews. It acknowledges that there is a consensus that they are relatively better in VR headphones, but only hypothetical reality. I say this is like the argument that the smartphone is only a phone. It indicates that the first influencers and adopters expect the market to fail because the price is very expensive (from 3499 pounds). Why don’t I wait until the price decreases? I point out that waiting defeats the purpose, which enables me to work and help me to stay mentally next year. He is convinced. He gets it already comfortably for me. Move so. Survival glasses.
Two days later From training features, I can prevent any gesture from my right arms, forcing me to make comfort in my mind still wants to direct with the right side. It speeds up my teaching to destroy hands on my other devices. It is a good thing because I can only use protective glasses for a few hours a day before my weight cramps. But I learned a breakthrough for that, by lying down until my face works as a type of type.
Although I will not have been arrested, wearing insect eyes in public places, I must admit, after I have passed the panic attacks that I went through after its dislocation – as a result of physical confusion and fear of their attractive attractiveness – I began to feel comfortable with my new hip identity.
This is despite the enormous amount of skeptical mockery and anxiety, I directed my way from friends and family alike. I have not been the goal of this accumulation a lot since it was seized after a detailed experience when he was a teenager. Am I in the risk of giving up the struggle to be a human being in a real world? Watch this space. This article is written from the hands.
Dancing is published with Octopus by Debora Harding by Profile Books and Bloomsbury Usa. Purchase it for 9.99 pounds in