in 1985 paperComputer world Andrew YaoWho will continue to win the AM Turning Award, confirmed that among the retail tables that contain a specific set of properties, the best way to find an individual or empty spot is only to pass through potential spots randomly – a approach known as the unified investigation. He also mentioned that in the worst scenario, as you are looking for the last open spot, you can never do better than x. For 40 years, most computer scientists assumed that Yao guess was correct.
Krabin has not been kept in traditional wisdom for a simple reason that he was not aware of it. He said: “I did this without knowing Yao’s guess.” Its exploration with small indicators led to a new type of retail table – one that did not depend on the unified investigation. For the new retail, the time required for information and the worst insertion is suitable for (LOGH x))2– Faster than x. This result is directly contradictory to Yao’s guess. Help Farach-Callton and Kuszmaul Krapin help show it (Register x))2 It is the optimal center that is unbearable for the famous category of the retailers that Yao wrote.
“This result is beautiful in that it is treating and solving such a classic problem,” he said, he said Jae Bilosh Carnegie Mellon.
“Not only they refuted [Yao’s conjecture]They also said the best possible answer to his question. ” Sepehr Assade From the University of Waterlo. “We could go to another 40 years before we knew the correct answer.”
In addition to the YAO guess, the new paper also contains what many consider a more surprising result. It comes to the associated situation, albeit a little different, in 1985, Yao did not look at the worst times of the inquiries, but also at the average time it takes all possible information. It has proven that retail schedules have certain characteristics – including those that have been classified “greed”, which means that new elements must be placed in the first available place – will not achieve a better medium time than the registry x.
Farach-Callton, Krapivin and Kuszmaul wanted to find out if this itself also applies to non-green retail tables. They have shown that he did not do this by providing a counter -example, a non -Graidic division table with average time to query much better than the registry x. In fact, it does not depend on x Absolutely. “You will get a number, which is fixed and does not depend on the fullness of the retail schedule,” said Farash Colon. It was the fact that you can achieve a fixed inquiry time, regardless of the full retail schedule, is completely unexpected – even for the authors themselves.
Conway said that the team’s results may not lead to any immediate requests, but this is not all that matters. “It is important to better understand these types of data structures. You don’t know when you will result in a locking something that allows you to do better in practice.”
The original story Recal it with permission from Quanta magazineAn independent editorial publication for Simonz Foundation Its mission is to enhance the general understanding of science by covering research developments and trends in mathematics, physical sciences and life.