The vascular vessels of Emille Clark
Emilia Clark The battle scenes were filmed for game of thrones, But in 2019, it was published Article in New Yorker Entitled “A Battle for My Life”.
The actress wrote: “I got to the toilet, sank to my knee, and started to be a violent patient,” the actress wrote. “Meanwhile, pain – throat, stabbing, restricted pain – was getting worse. At a level, I knew what was happening: my mind had been damaged.”
It was transferred to the hospital to wipe the brain.
“The diagnosis was fast and fascinated: the infrared bleeding (SAH), a type of life -threatening stroke, as a result of bleeding in the area surrounding the brain.” “I had a vascular expansion, artery rupture.”
Emilia underwent immediate surgery to close the vascular expansion, describing the pain as “unbearable.” While she was recovering, she continued, faced the loss of the ability to speak and was “nonsense”.
“The loss of the ability to speak,” added Emilia, Emilia, and the hospital left a month after its acceptance.
In the 2013 brain examination, I learned a “double -sized” growth and that it needs surgery again.
“When you woke me, I was screaming from the pain,” I wrote. “The procedure failed. I had a tremendous bleeding and made doctors clearly that my chance to survive was unstable if they did not work again. This time they needed to reach my mind in the old way-through my skull.”
Fortunately, Emilia, now “a hundred percent.”