Molecular signal paths are communications systems that transport messages inside cells and between them. According to a new study by Geneva University scientists, the inhibition of one of these systems, called the SHH Path (SHH), is strongly declining from the development of the feathers in the chicken by restricting the growth of feathers buds, surprise and branching.
Cooper & Milinkovch explains that the intravenous injection of Sonidegib, a strong SHH path inhibitor, on the 19th (E9) day, produces temporary schemes (instead of stains) from SHH expression in the skin, with the arrests that weaken, and lead to non -assembly unprotected and unbelievable. Credit image: Fabrice Berger and Michelle Melkovic.
Bird feathers are complex accessories that differ greatly through species and body areas, and between the stages of events and adults.
Understanding both the developmental and developmental mechanisms that support this morphological diversity has long been fascinated by biologists.
The morphological complications of bird feathers make it an ideal model for investigating fetal decoration.
In particular, the SHH path is an important mediator in the growth of feathers and spawning.
However, functional In the live body Evidence related to its role during the development of feathers is still limited.
To fill this knowledge gap, Geneva University researchers used Rori Cooper and Michel Milkovic microscopic photography of the light paper to study the natural style of feathers and how their shape evolves.
They also used the micro -intravenous injection from Sonidegib to inhibit the SHH Pharmaceutical Signs during the evolution of the feathers on the feather 9, which precedes the growth of feathers feather on the wings.
This treatment was temporarily modified by the SHH expression to produce striped areas instead of stains on the skin, and temporarily stopped the development of the feather, and led to the unoccupied and non-mixed feather buds-closer to the supposed Proto-Ri-until the 14th Day 14.
Although the feather development was partially recovered later during development, Sonidegib treated chicken has offered nude areas of the surface of the skin with turbulent follicles.
It is striking that these follicles were reinforced later for seven weeks after the examination, highlighting the durability of the elegance of the feather as a development process.
In general, the study provides comprehensive functional evidence for the role of the SHH path to mediate the development of feathers in chicken, and support the idea that modified SHH signals have contributed to the evolutionary diversification of feathers and other skin accessories such as feet standards.
The study also explains the importance In the live body Experiences for a comprehensive understanding of development systems.
“Since the SHH path plays an important role in the development of the feather, we wanted to note what happens when it is installed,” said Dr. Cooper.
“By injecting a molecule, it prevents the course of SHH signals on the ninth day of fetal development-just before the appearance of feathers buds on the wings-we noticed the formation of unconnected and non-colored buds, which are similar to the early early stages of the wealthy.”
“However, from the fourteenth day of fetal development, the feathers formally recovered.”
“Moreover, although the chicks that excelled with naked skin spots, asleeping follicles were replaced independently, as chicken ultimately produced with natural feathers.”
“Our experiences show that although temporary turmoil in the development of foot standards can convert them permanently into feathers, it is very difficult to permanently disable the feather development,” added Dr. Milinkovic.
“It is clear, throughout the development, the interactive genes network has become very strong, ensuring appropriate development even in light of major genetic or environmental disorders.”
“The great challenge now is to understand how genetic reactions have evolved to allow the emergence of morphological developments such as Proto sponsors.”
the Ticket It was published on the Internet today in the magazine Biology Plos.
RL Cooper & MC Milinkovitch. 2025. In the live body The vocal hedgehog enemy temporarily leads to predecessors -like structures in chicken. Plos Biol 23 (3): e3003061; Doi: 10.1371/Journal.pbio.3003061