The Robinhood Vlad Tenev will be cancer in the encryption industry. Here is activation from 2021

Let’s start with the participation that the author of this article is actually a fans of Vlad Tinif. I have followed his career with great attention and perhaps even obsessed over the past seven years, and I have a lot of respect for everything he could do in Wall Street.

But while we see his influence growth more and more, we can only refer to this:- Vlad Tinif does not like decentralization. This is a problem. He made his wealth pay the “free market” trading application, but when it is really important, the market closed.

Now he behaves as Crypto supports, but history says otherwise. And if it is allowed, it will become a huge cancer for the encryption industry.

Let’s start from the beginning.

Who is Vlad Teenv?

Vlad Teenv is the co -founder and CEO of Robinhood, the company that turned trading discounts into a mobile game. He was born in Bulgaria, and moved to the United States at the age of five, where his parents worked at the World Bank. He attended the Thomas Jefferson Secondary School of Science and Technology in Virginia, and later obtained a mathematics degree from Stanford University.

In Stanford, Paigo Bhatt met his future partner. The two started their first company, Cerelis, in 2010, a high -frequency trading programs company. By 2011, they evaluated Chronos’s research, which sold low college trading programs for banks and hedge funds. After that, in 2013, they launched Robinhood, a commission -free commercial application designed to attract retail investors.

Robinhood was put in July 2021 with a value of $ 32 billion, making billionaires Vlad and Baiju. But before that, in November 2020, Vlad took over as CEO, as he dropped the joint arrangement with Pigu.

Baiju Bhatt and Vlad Teev, founders of Robinhood. Credits: New York Times

In December 2023, Vlad spoke with Axios about his career. When asked if he was still Robenol, knowing that he will be distorted, he is He said“Oh, for sure.” He claimed that he always knows that Robinhood will disrupt the financial industry and the expected decline.

When discussing the establishment of a company with friends, Vlad said: “Building a company with a person you deeply trusts is very important.” He rejected the idea of ​​balance between work and life, describing it as a “strange way to live” and compare it to the concept in the presentation. Instead, he said that the work should feel like a “different kind of play.”

Vlad also warned against working with people who have not known them for years, saying: “You do not know what this person will be under different circumstances when things become difficult.”

Vlad closed the Gamestop retail deals to protect Wall Street

In 2021, retail merchants fought against Wall Street. They targeted the hedge funds that were betting against Gamestop (GME) and other shares. The result? Billions of losses for large companies. But only when retail merchants had all momentum, Robinhood prevented their deals. People were angry. Congress was involved. Vlad was interrogated. A lawsuit was rejected, but the damage occurred. Now, he wants to encrypt.

Gamestop Short Squeeze is exposed to what extent will Robinhood go to protect powerful investors. Initially, everything looked like a retail merchant victory. Keith Gill (Roaring Kitty) began the movement, joined millions. The hedge boxes were losing money quickly. But on January 28, 2021, Robinhood prevented Gamestop orders and other brief shares greatly. Users can only sell.

Vlad blames the requirements for depositing the sale. The real issue? The largest Robinhood customers were the Wall Street companies that paid for requests for requests. If the hedge boxes go, Robinhood loses money.

“Every time we talk about what Robinhood aspires, people say” Oh, large mediation houses and large financial companies will not like this. Vlad said in December 2023: “They will do everything they can to prevent you, and of course, we have seen it,” Vlad said in December 2023.

This was an excuse. But Congress did not buy it. When Vlad witnessed on February 18, 2021, legislators were torn from both sides. Struggle to answer the questions. He denied that Robenol was collusion with hedge boxes. But at the same time, Federal investigators obtained an inspection order for his phone.

Later, in July 2021, the public subscription file from Robenol confirmed: The US Public Prosecutor’s Office is investigating the role of Robenol in the Gamestop crisis. But if Vlad had disappointed Wall Street’s gods, who would have supported Rubnevol in the public subscription? These men needed more than he needed retailers that year.

Vlad is now trying to control the encryption markets

After the Gamestop scandal, it is about Vlad. Robenol jumped to trading encryption. By February 2024, it was $ 14.4 billion in encryption deals. This was a 29 % decrease from the previous month, but it is still twice the previous year.

Now, Vlad himself is compatible with Trump’s policies. He recently praised the administration’s approach to regulating encryption and artificial intelligence. He claims that the United States will lead these industries under clearer rules.

He said, “They think about these smart problems.”

Vladimir Tinif
Vladimir Teenv. source: Fortune Magazine

Vlad also expands the betting markets in Robinhood. His company now offers prediction markets, where users can bet on things like elections, similar to Polymark. But he insists that it is not gambling.

“What allows it is to discover the price better,” he said.

At the end of February 2024, Robinhood received $ 187 billion of assets. This was 8 % of January, but an increase of 58 % over the previous year. The net deposits amounted to $ 4.8 billion, with an annual growth rate of 28 %.

Robinhood plays itself as a major player in the trading and coding markets. But the same man who froze Gamestop is ignoring now wants to control the encryption markets. The question is: Does he do the same again?

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