Announcing this The Ministry of Education (DOE) will remove 1300 other employeesReducing employees to half of its previous size, which is about 4100, is more than just a restructuring – it is a direct attack on efforts to achieve a reasonable American education in a reasonable way, in the way Dreams completely cancel the column. At the heart of this debate, it is not just hostility to social justice, but a more fundamental question: Does America want to be a united country or just a union of countries with great rules, standards and rights in a great way?
In most contexts throughout history, the political right is compatible everywhere with patriotism, while emphasizing unity and national power. However, in the United States, conservatives often appear to be pushed in the opposite direction, in favor of the so -called “states” rights to national cohesion. The reason is that many conservatives today are actually reactionary who look at the rights of states as a tool for the erosion of protection that the federal government has sought to guarantee.
This problem is due to the justification of slavery, when the rights of states were called to perpetuate the brutal institution. The same logic was useful to enable the abortion ban after eliminating Ro against a valleyPerhaps also to dismantle federal control of civil rights, economic policies, and now, education. Everything will come under the guise of respect for local standards.
It should be noted that the dismantling of the Ministry of Energy does not mean what it will do in many other countries, as national ministries exercise control of schools, curricula and teaching standards. American education has always been a governmental and local responsibility. The Ministry of Energy-which last year had reached a relatively modest budget of about $ 250 billion-there is no dictation of what students learn but to enforce civil rights protection, distribute federal financing to high-need schools, regulate student loans, and ensure accountability for educational institutions-all jobs that create a more fair, more integrated, and more economical relapse.
This, of course, is exactly the reason for his presence in Maga’s Crosshairs. These jobs are “wake up” in an era when anything that seeks to settle the stadium stadium is suspected. Just as the undeniable gradual transgression led to the fueling of a violent reaction and helped in the election of Trump, the war on “waking up” now deviates to lands much worse than something that is supposed to fight – in national adherence, firm inequality, and hurting millions of students in this process.
The Ministry of Energy was officially established in 1979 during the reign of Jimmy Carter, driven by the account that without a strong federal supervision, students in deprived societies will face deeper inequality, progress in integrating schools, protecting students with disabilities, and ensuring fair financing corrosion.
It has played an important role in canceling the discrimination between students and ensuring that students with disabilities get placed places appropriate under the IDEA. Without adequate employees to impose these laws, students may face greater obstacles to reporting and correcting discrimination. Public schools are already struggling with the implementation of fair discipline policies; Studies indicate that black students and students with disabilities are unparalleled, and that federal efforts guarantee the treatment of such inequality and marginalized students.
Besides the application of civil rights, the Ministry of Energy oversees the Federal Aid Department for students, including granting Pell and student loans, providing access to higher education for millions. The administration’s ability to manage $ 1.7 trillion of suspended student loans will be severely endangered without adequate employees, which leads to delay treatment, mismanagement of funds, and reduce support to borrowers who move in payment options.
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The Ministry of Energy cuts also weakens federal supervision of predators of profit, which has a history of students who trust debt while providing subpar (Trump has presented his famous brand to one of these). The accountability of such institutions is necessary to ensure that the victim of deception is not made of the type that the University of Trump directed.
While the states and local governments finance most of the public education, federal financing is necessary for high -need schools, especially those that serve low -income students, rural areas, and special education programs. Programs such as the first address, financing (which supports low -income educational areas) and granting ideas to ensure fair access to education. Without them, the most richer countries and regions flourish, while these poor people suffer – in decades of efforts by the two parties to limit the education and standards gap at the country level.
A A report from my hometown Philadelphia Investigation Analyze the effect on the Philadelphia metro area, a useful case study. It found that schools and universities may face significant financial and operational challenges. Local officials fear that discounts can put critical programs in addition to the Civil Rights Office, which deals with discrimination issues and financing the first address. In Montgomery Province alone, schools will lose $ 135 million in federal aid, including $ 28 million for disabilities and $ 30 million in Bell’s grants to community college students. The Philadelphia School area, which relies on federal funds, has not received about 10 percent of its budget, that is, clarity about potential cuts, while Darby is considering closing schools because of financial uncertainty. The project throughout the country, and a desperate image appeared.
To clarify what should be clear but apparently for some, education is the backbone of economic growth. Countries that give priority to education-such as Finland, Singapore, and South Korea-put a strong participation at the national level in the education policy and are constantly outperforming the United States in mathematics, science and literacy rankings. At a time when global competition in technology and innovation is fierce, weakening the Ministry of Energy means that American risks are behind the education of STEM and the development of the workforce and research capabilities. The Trump administration claims that these cuts will reduce the bureaucracy, but the fact is that they will impeding the country’s ability to prepare students for jobs in the twenty -first century and maintain America’s leadership in science and industry.
In addition to the benefits of national standards and supervision, even if we agree to hand over power to the states, the fact is that many countries lack resources, experience or willingness to enforce civil rights protection and financing his education specifically.
The bottom line is that in every aspect of American life, the federal intervention was historically necessary to correct injustice, from canceling the separation in the south to assigning the accommodations for students with disabilities. So equality is the issue on hand – and Trumpland mainly hates the efforts made to engineer that. There are racist tones for their actions, in addition to adhering to the solidity of the category and restricting the possibilities of mobility.
While other developed countries focus on education to ensure national success, the United States risks division into a group of largely uneven systems. A fragmented system with 50 different state policies will create greater disparities, with the quality of education determined by the postal code and state policy.
So the real question here is whether America is looking to be a strong and united state or just a fragmented union that does not defend anything in particular and will stop inspiring the world. If this continues, in education and also, the consequences will work for generations.
Dan Perry is the former European -based Middle East editor in London in the Associated Press, former president of the Foreign Press Association in Jerusalem, and author of two books. Follow it in
The views expressed in this article are a writer.