The launch of a Spacex missile creates a glowing vortex in the night sky for Europe

A spiral of light that illuminates the night sky has captured observers in Britain and most of Europe on Monday. Its case: a Spacex missile, as experts said, after a glowing scene that sparked curiosity and speculation about its origin.

The ethereal show, seen from England to Eastern Europe, is similar to a glowing heavenly cycle in the photos published on social media, as users reported seeing him for several minutes before they faded.

Met office, the national weather service in Britain, said, ” On social media Late Monday: “We have received many reports about a luminous cycle in the sky this evening. It is likely that this is the cause of the Spacex Falcon 9, which was launched earlier today.”

Professor Brian Cox, a physicist at the University of Manchester, said the light source: “For everyone, he asks about the strange spiral shape in the sky earlier – he was associated with this launch,” he said. On social mediaRefer to another post showing missile shots.

The Falcon 9 missile, from Elon Musk’s Spacex, was launched from Cape Capeeral, Florida, on Monday, carrying a secret government load.

The amazing cause of the spiral influence was due to the frozen fuel launched from the upper stage of the missile, which the sun’s rays caught up at a high altitude and the luminous screen produced.

Among those who recorded this event, Christian Medica, the thirsty heaven who spent the past two years filming the sky in Croatia for Utopip channel. Even with his experience, the scene left him amazed.

“This is the first time that I saw this,” he said. “At first glance, I literally thought it was a type of Star Trek worm.”

He said that the scene left him excited but “vibrating a little.”

The similar spirals appeared in the sky before, often in relation to Spacex. In March 2024, a similar cycle appeared over Europe after the Falcon 9 mission.

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