The encrypted texts come from end to end between Android and iPhone

Knives, fire bombs, fire operations, and killing plots against rental-and all are linked to a group of crime network 764 called “No Life”. According to its own statement, the group seeks to “purify humanity through endless attacks” and issued no less than “killing evidence” associated with violent conspiracies in the United States and Europe. WIRED’s intelligence documents reveal increasing concern among analysts, but experts are still not sure how the group spread.

On Monday, X saw an interruption after the robot immersed the social network with unwanted traffic in an attempt to land its system. Elon Musk stated that the distribution of the distributed service arose from the Ukrainian IP addresses, which means that the country-which is known under siege through Russian invasion and often harnessed by the Millionaire Century-may be responsible. WIRED security experts tell that this is not how DDOS attacks work.

Meanwhile, within the security agency for cybersecurity and infrastructure, collective workers for electronic defense, which weakens protection against foreign opponents. The biological discounts of employees left high and tense international partnerships, according to interviews with the agency employees that help protect cities, companies and non -profit organizations from electronic attacks. “Many people are afraid,” says one of the employees. “We are waiting for this other shoe to drop. We don’t know what will happen.” Since WIRED takes you into the agencies in the midst of uncertainty and the chaos of the second Trump administration, we updated our quick and easy guide to use the signal to help you get the utmost benefit from the encryption of the correspondence application.

This is not all. Every week, we link the security and privacy news that we did not cover deeply. Click the main addresses to read full stories. And staying safe there.

These “green bubbles”, text messages via platforms that disturb iPhone owners and keep Android users have been deported to the collective lower class, not just a cultural separation. It is also a safety problem: text messages sent between Android and iOS-devices, unlike iMessage texts of blue or Android messages to Android-have not been encrypted from end to end, making them open to observation or objection. Now, this may finally change.

The GSM Association, responsible for many of the widely used communication criteria, has announced that the rich telecommunications services protocol (or RCS) will now support encryption from one side to a tip of text messages via platforms, and Apple revealed that it will now collect the RCS feature in its iOS devices. To date, Apple and Google have supported other RCS features in the texts sent between iOS and Android, but not encryption from one side to the end, which only ensures that the devices that send and receive messages can decipher them and not any servant or snow that he sees in crossing.

Neither Apple nor GSMA did not say exactly when the new privacy features are launched. Until then, it would be wise for anyone to send a platform platform messages with applications such as WhatsApp or the signal that has long been provided with encoding from one side-and the Android and iPhone users have also helped avoid personal conflicts on bubble colors.

The White House exploited Sean Blancke to operate Cisa, the agency within the Ministry of Internal Security, which is mainly responsible for the American digital defense. Plankey, which has been considered a leading competition for this role, is in multiple cybersecurity security in the Trump’s first administration, and has been previously held major roles in US Internet leadership. In the Ministry of Defense Agency, which focused on the crime of the Internet, he held the position of head of the weapons and tactics branch and obtained a bronze star for penetration operations in Afghanistan. CISA, just like many federal agencies, has faced hundreds of employee discounts in recent weeks, and its former director, Chris Krebes, has been criticized for the previous Trump administration for the agency’s work to confront and secure misleading information. Krebs was launched in Trump’s tweet near the end of his term after Cisa described the 2020 elections, whose results were Trump’s baseless, as “the safest in American history.”

Even the National Security Agency did not escape the burned Elon Musk campaign for the federal government. On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Mosk had visited the Intelligence Agency in Fort Meed, where he met with the leadership to discuss employee discounts and operational changes, according to current and former US officials who spoke to the magazine.

Although it is one of the most isolated branches of American intelligence, the National Security Agency still finds itself in the orbit of musk. Fort Meade’s visit is another sign of the overwhelming nature of its influence, and extraordinary access to the richest man in the world has been granted to the most secret federal processes.

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