(1) Thierry Boy de la Tour, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble Inp, Lig 38000 Grenoble, France.
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Abstract and 1 introduction
2 definitions and basic instructions
2.1 groups
2.2 sequence
2.3 Signatures and algebra and 2.4 categories
3 studies and its morphology
4 limits and colimits
5 drawing studies
6 structures for graph and written studies
7 sub -pictures and partial morphology
8 House transformations from studies
9 written studies
10 conclusion and references
10 conclusion
Studies generalize the standard concepts of graphic fees directed by allowing the edges of any length with free trade aspects. The edge of the length is zero knots, and if it has a larger length, it can be adjacent to any edge, including itself. In “Monograph”, it justifies the unilateral precedence through this unified view of the contract as edges and edges of unrestricted commercial aspects that provide formal summary (formation are functions that are characterized by one equation); The justified suffix is ​​justified by correspondence (even symmetry) between the limited monographs and its graphics.
Global studies are global with regard to the structures of the graph and the opposite algebra, meaning that studies are equivalent to the structures of the graph extended with appropriate request agreements on the names of the operators, and that the written studies categories are equivalent to the corresponding categories of algebra. Since many standard or strange concepts of guided graphs can be represented as a single force, they can also be represented as written studies, but these advantages have two structures on the structures of the graph: they provide a direction of the edges and distribute them (and therefore) with the operator’s names.
The algebraic transformations of studies are similar to the transformations of standard graphs. Consequently, dealing with written studies may be more simple than structured algebra, as shown in the results of section 9. The representation of the guided edges appears as a more natural series than its standard representation as unorganized organisms that have images through a set of functions. Thus, qualitative studies appear as a natural way to determine the chart structures.
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