Sean ‘Didi’ Compass is not guilty of the updated indictment list

Sean Didi Kums acknowledged that he was not guilty of a modified indictment that includes new allegations of forced work.

The amazing indictment claims that the rap pole forced employees to work for long hours at the threat of physical harm and reputation and forced at least one factor to engage in sex work with him.

Mr. Compass’s lawyers have denied that rapper had absolutely forced anyone to have sex and that the case was about relations with mutual consent with his friends, according to the New York Times reports.

His lawyers “strongly” also denied all the accusations against him in the federal case and dozens of civilian claims that were filed against him in recent months.

“He is looking forward to his day in court when he becomes clear that he has not forced anyone to engage in sexual acts against his will.”

It is expected that Mr. Coms, one of the most successful rapper in the United States, is expected to be tried in the case of sex and federal blackmail.

The new allegations detailed in the amended indictment are under extortion.

Separately, Mr. Coms faces dozens of lawsuits that accuse him of rape and assault. His lawyers rejected lawsuits as “clear attempts to gain advertising.”

Mr. Kums led to the hall of a hall hall of a wooden hall on Friday in the South District County Court in New York, wearing a green prison suit, with enlarged gray and beard hair.

He chose to stand when he entered his non -guilty approval. It was asked by one of the judge if he had seen and read the indictment, he answered, “Yes, I have sir.”

Behind him, in the general seats, his son Christian, his daughter Chinese, his mother Jeanis Combs – wearing large sunglasses, and her friend Marvit Bretto (advertising) to support him, came alongside two other men describing themselves as part of the family’s “support system”.

Mr. Combs was smiling at court, waving and blowing kisses to his family and embracing his lawyer.

In addition to the new allegations, there was a lot of discussion in court between the prosecutor and defense lawyer A video clip published by CNN last year It seems that he displays CCTV shots for Mr. Coms kicking his ex -girlfriend, Cassandra Ventura, on the Holway floor in 2016.

Mr. Coms’s lawyers reiterated their allegations that the video was “deceptive” and that a visual expert found that parts of the video had been removed from the arrangement, the procedures had erupted, and the coverage of time stamps.

On the other hand, the general prosecutors described it as “critical evidence” and “direct evidence” of their case that they will be subject as an exhibition in the trial. The judge urged them to reach a compromise.

CNN and a lawyer for Mrs. Ventura denied what Mr. Combs attorneys said about the video.

After releasing the video in 2024, Mr. Combs apologized for his behavior, saying: “I bear the full responsibility for my actions in this video. I felt disgusted after that when I did it. I feel disgusted now.”

On Friday, the judge said that the jury is expected to begin on May 5, and to open data on May 12.

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