Radhika Jones on the Renaissance GWYNETH PALTORW and more than the new number

I always love Michel Ruiz Cover files, because they pack a lot of life in every sentence, and they are attracted to topics with a very packed life. Michelle talks this month with the great GwyNeth Paltrow forever, which, when she thinks she might have declined – is not inactive, never! But comfortably in the furniture – she looks forward to an unexpected place, such as, for example, Bal Des Débutantes with her daughter, apples, or with Timothy Chalamet in pictures on the Internet from their new movie, Marti Superim, It was directed by Josh Safdi. Then, like magic, it’s our main personality again. Michelle visits Paltrow at home in Monteto, where they talk about business (Goop) and pleasure: her life as an empty message, she was renamed in the style of rose in rose as a “free bird”.

After forest fires in Los Angeles, Vanity Fair Commitment to support two local organizations that help to return the affected families and professionals in the industry on their feet: Baby2Baby, which provides needy families with basic supplies of diapers and formulas to clothes and blankets, the animated and television photo fund, which provides emergency financial support and advice to members of the entertainment community who are affected. The recovery of this catastrophe does not occur overnight, so part of our commitment includes maintaining attention to the city’s efforts to reassemble its ranks and rebuild. In this problem, we show a group of stable photos by Stewart Bali, who started filming forest fires in 2012 as a trainee in Orange County Register. Over the years, get to know the firefighters and their world, and worked as a contractor to serve the American forests, and exceeded official training on ground fires. Unfortunately, at the time, there was no lack of materials for a lens. His goal in documenting fires, as he tells a reporter in Hollywood, Anthony Priscan, is to help people prepare the next time, and to help “make firefighters easier to educate the audience.” The images that appeared here ranges from the spread of the first Palisades Fire to the arid lands left by other major Sharkias, as the cleaning crews and homeowners have brought the region inserted into the debris. Stewart photos are not affected by the fire and confirm its filming of flexibility.

If you want to donate Baby2Baby or MPTF, please visit their website Baby2Baby.org and Mptf.com

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