[This is a continuation of my “Political Lessons From President George W. Bush” series, in which I discuss some political lessons Republicans could learn from the second term of President George W. Bush. Briefly, I believe that that it is important for a Republican president to avoid the second-term political collapse that happened to President Bush and that, to do so, a Republican president, e.g., Donald Trump, needs to follow a bifurcated strategy to keep his polling support up among both the GOP party base and with independents. You can read Part 1 and Part 2, here and here, respectively.]
Surrender in the political battlefield
One of the biggest mistakes of President Bush was his decision to stop fighting on important issues, which he did at the time after 2005. Continuous negatives Against it, including an evil attack to lie on Weapons of mass destruction To deceive the United States in the Iraq war. There was no reaction from the conservative side (only Fox and some other Republican politicians entered the violation), which in turn led to the general collapse in the end of Bush’s support.
President Trump will never face this problem. As we all know, Trump won his main victory in 2016 to a large extent thanks to his expressive willingness to fight anything and everything. In other words, the republican version of Bill Clinton should be. There is no evidence that in the nine years since then, Trump has become less vital in fighting for himself or against his opponents.
The only thing Trump might need to do, is to be more careful about who is the punch (again). Some battles are counterproductive, and some people are not important enough to be goals. For example, is Taylor Swift really? It deserves any attention? While it is true that due to the excessive hysterical reaction to all Trump’s words by the Democrats and never profited, Donald Trump has developed partial political immunity during the 2024 elections – the swinging voters were concerned about the economy and chaos more than “medium tweets” – most likely, he should not be lost his energy and resources in such battles, which could be It competes with its members.
New: Trump sees a huge batch of voting in the swinging states with the race entry into a final extension, Harris campaign.
Interestingly, Bill Clinton also had this problem. As some might remember, Clinton felt the need to retreat even against the semi -malicious criticism that he was very fond of McDonald’s, by analyzing his words to say that he did not “visit” fast food restaurant; While this was technically correct, the food was brought to the White House.
Falling in the sweet Notens of men who have sex with men and the democratic institution
It is a firm rule that for most people, the more they live in Bilitai, the more they (usually) hope to invite them and insult in. “Georgetown dinner parties(I was always very introverted and very tall to be part of this crew.) The easiest way to do this is to embrace policies, and people, who make up this elite, which greatly tends to democrats.
As I already wrote, for the Republican President, this is a dangerous trap. The Sunaer or a member of the Republican Congress can come out of a profession from “Going to Washington” and “Growth in his position”, as Democrats/men who have sex with men will give him a lot of positive attention in the media, which (in some regions of the country) will make it easier to re -election. But for my Republican president, this is not a possibility, as Democrats/men who have sex with men need to run against him, and nothing he says or not celebrated by them. So, everything that the president will accomplish through “Going to Washington” and “Growth in his position” shows weakness, which will deliver any opponents to double their attacks and the Potus base.
Of course, in this case, it is difficult for Democrats/men who have sex with men attracted Donald Trump, when they are constantly screaming in the calamities and called Hitler. Recently, during the joint speech to Congress, Democrats rejected applause for any individual distinguished by Trump, including a young boy who was cancer who wanted to be a police officer (and the honorary president was made by the president). These democratic members represent their party – According to For one poll, 64 percent of registered Democrats want to “oppose everything” by President Trump. (Democrats, as I said before, are still falling into the ring of death.)
Witness: Democrats excuses for the reason they are not present during the Trump address, only their loss
Falling for the sweet Notegs of the Republican Party (and liberal Republicans)
Part of those who attended the Georgetown dinner parties that are not democrats, of course, Republicans (there are no real independents in this city). They have similar political beliefs, but not identical. The keyword for them is always “moderate”, which often means Democrats on issues, to slow down a controversial work, or to avoid some non -polite issues. One of the issues of decisive importance to them has always been illegal immigration, which they believed to require “sympathy” and “a path of shadow” to legalize illegal immigrants.
Once again, as I said above, the Republican President should be very cautious about these people. The GoP Foundation has its use – they know how the federal government works – but it is important to realize its prey and not fall prey to them. Overcoming them slows down or stops the president’s achievements only and never leads to any new respect from independent or democratic independents (if Trump wants this new respect, he will have to wait until he retires or is dead, so that he can compare him with the new and most dangerous Republican president, unreliable.
So far, there is little evidence of Trump’s fall for the usual Notegs of the Republican Party Foundation. It appears that it is unlikely to retract the deportation of illegal immigrants, which is the issue of his signature. He stood firmly on government spending discounts and shooting. He did not meet the needs of the first foreign policy agenda.
Now, what about Trump’s independent supporters?
To continue in the fourth part.