PickleBall SECOND Chance Romance by Chase R. Marshall Sparks Mystery – Hollywood Life

Credit image: Cis Morales

[Long Beach, California] – Flexibility, uncertainty, love, and everything unexpected is what the latest novel Chis R. Marshall, PickleBall SECOND Chance Romance, packed.

Chuck Thompson, widowed trying to rebuild his life, reluctantly to a pickled stadium in urging his best friend, who, does not know Chuck, changes his life forever. Sports leads to an interview with Sandra Davidson, a skilled player and has a complex past. With the increasing friendship they share, the unexpected puzzle makes its way that exposes their relationship in danger and forced them to confront the secrets they believed to be buried forever.

PickleBall SECOND Chance Romance is more than just a love story that sheds light on the challenges of moving forward, the power of communications construction, and the joy that comes with the re -discovery of your passion – both inside and outside the court.

“This story goes beyond the pickle stadium,” Marshall says. “It aims to teach readers how to do” life “better: by taking opportunities, confidence in yourself, and finding joy in the places you have not explored before.

Through his work, he not only enjoyed the author, but also created a way to readers to grow and learn some of the very important life lessons. The book, with the progress of the story, reflects important aspects of life such as personal growth, recovery and unexpected opportunities that arise when accepting change rather than resisting it. Chuck’s journey to re -discover his passion for competing and accompanying after he lost his wife tells us that it has not been too late to start again. Although he was initially hesitant in the pickle, he soon realizes the fact that getting out of your comfort area can give you a specific purpose of living and bringing in final satisfaction. Sports begins to mean more than just a game; It is a therapeutic outlet, which helps Chuck and Sandra to move in their struggles and link them to a welcome society.

This unique novel, while discussing pickled strategies, addresses important aspects of life. Elements such as teamwork, positioning, and selecting the snapshot are compatible with adaptive and wise and wise when it comes to making decisions and options. Simply put, the story tells us that it is very similar to pickled, living a good life is everything about strategies, flexibility, and seizing the second opportunities when they flow.

PickleBall SECOND Chance Romance is now available on Amazon and other major book sellers, and gets an amazing response. The positive effect of this masterpiece extends beyond its pages.

For media inquiries, interviews, notes, or copies, please call

Chis R. Marshall in 17moralescharles@earthlink.net

Follow Chase R. Marshall on social media:

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address: PickleBall SECOND Chance Romance

author: Chis t. Marshall


publisherThe author’s publishing house

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