More evidence trying to lower the tape to make everyone “equal” only hurts all children in the end.
Important reading:
– Karen Viets (@karenvaites) March 23, 2025
Seattle removed advanced learning programs in its public schools in the name of fairness. She did not go well. Parents of the white students applying for their children withdrew from public schools and sent them to private schools.
Benryanwriter March 23, 2025
So, public schools now have less money because they have fewer students, and there is less diversity. Isn’t this the opposite of what they were trying to achieve? Obus!
Why is it difficult to admit that this was a failed experience?
Nikkidadlani March 24, 2025
The left faces difficulty admitting their ideas very bad.
Conservative and intermediate parents will always search for their children
As it should. The primary role of parents is to protect and promote their children. They are not responsible for participating in a social experience.
The wealthy, from any sweat, can escape from waking up, even while celebrating them.
Surfis Tenshin (MTREMPLY) March 23, 2025
That is why the school selects and access to the distinct learning experiences for all children is a must. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the issue of civil rights of our time.
As I remember, the black parents asked for the students ’advanced path from Seattle not to do so.
They were ignored in the name of the stocks.
Travis Morrell, MD MPH (MorrellMdMPH) March 24, 2025
Lefts are always responsible for knowing better than young people.
Each successful team is directed about its best players
Lee Gordan March 23, 2025
Also, the goal should be for those who are not the “best” that must be inspired and improved. The tide raises all ships.
When “equality for all” (Marxism) becomes bad ….
– Mamacranky March 24, 2025
It is always bad.
You know what is radical against “property rights in education”? Teaching in a public school when I was a university student
When “social justice” means equality of the result on the opportunity, people who need real support are backward because you begin to deal with all students in the same manner.– BIA (beatrizietner) March 24, 2025
Advanced students do not face a challenge and students who struggle to help get the necessary assistance.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of progressive democracy policy is to ensure that everyone is stuck in the lower five -year -old.
They never understood that “Harrison Bergeron” is a satire and not a guide to instructions.
– Soquel by the Creek (Soquelcreek) March 24, 2025
One of the basic methods that the left tries to achieve “property rights” is to destroy good things, so everything is absorbed on an equal footing.
Mayor Mundahoul is doing so with the East and West “geographical rights” policies.
Since the western side suffers from crime, homelessness and urban scourge, its view of “property rights” is import …
– Normieutah (Normieutah) March 24, 2025
The progressive policy is exactly the opposite of progressive. They run everything and everyone back.