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Abstract and 1 introduction
2. Current security test platforms
2.1. The last progress
3. New test platform and 3.1. Plastic roles test
3.2. Reaching a distance on the web
3.3. Preparation test
4. Examinated test methodologies
4.1. SDL and 4.2. Hurry test
4.3. Search test
5. Conclusion and expectations, and references
4.3. Search test
We are now discussing how our test platform can enable the researcher to create and experience many ECU networks to support their security research. A test platform where ECUS can be easily on the bus to support the development of an ideal research project to control the attack or defense.
Enhance the test bed function. For research use cases, it is important to have an electronic controller control unit on the network to launch attacks or carry out defenses. Simulating environments usually remove the real world properties, such as carrier voltage, bittere level, bus errors, etc., likewise, advanced attacks that exceed bus injections can often require accuracy of a controlled level that cannot be achieved by the PC-Usb interface. Consequently, our MCU platform includes a car class to imitate programming access to the electronic control unit. For other test purposes, a seat with MCU of many sellers can enable the user to test with different sellers libraries and MCU features very quickly.
Explore the real research use cases. We define a set of research projects that use a similar test preparation and explain how our test platform can make this research easier and more efficient. To show the benefit of this new and formative basic system, we implement and test three different open source research applications using one seat of the electronic control unit. We run Mapper Canvas Network from a distance [10] To properly define unique electronic control units on a box bus at different speeds and across several composition network, the configuration network. We also show off a distance an attack on the cannon bus [11] Using a car category controller on our seat and monitoring many malfunctions on the Canal CAN, which was captured by the attached Logic Salee analyst. Finally, we publish remote techniques from the bypass attack of the explicit authentication [9] For three configurations for one seat, we areolates three models of the movement of the transmission group from three different models of cars using the deportation -controlled energy inputs and monitor the same ability to control randomness in the challenge. Cannon and Clasid Attack requires launching attacks from the auto -category control and requires an attachment or a logical analyst to achieve certain parameters, all of which are the features of our test platform.
Providing new services. The unique challenge in car safety research is the lack of practical protesters for society to experience and test. We imagine the provision of new services that allow access to research examples of attacks, defenses and measurement technologies, etc., rather than limiting the availability of research to the code and published papers, the ability to reach a dimension of an operating sample in a real network environment inside the corner enhances the research community. In cases that the code or the descriptions of the devices publicly does not want, our test platform can allow this access.
(1) Sekar Kulandaivel, Robert Bosch LLC – Research and Technology Center;
(2) Wenjuan Lu, Block Harbour Cybersecuryment;
(3) Brandon Barry, Block Harbor Cyber ​​Security;
(4) Jorge Gogdrdo, Robert Bush LCC – Research and Technology Center.