This week we will use the brightest star in the night sky to find a constellation less than clarity.
Canis major, The Great Dog, was included in the Ptolemy menu in the second century consisting of 48 constellations in his great work. This has become the usual reference work of astronomy for an millennium, providing the basis in which the northern sky and free from the divided into towers are still.
Almagest also defended the idea that the Earth, not the sun, was the center of the solar system, so it was not perfect.
The chart shows the view looking for the south and southwest of London in 2030 GMT on March 17, although the view will be the same throughout the week.
Orion belt refers to the wonderful dog star, Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. From there, the rest of the dog’s shape can be tracked using slow stars in a constellation. The dark sky will be useful for this.
Canis major, the nearby constellation Canis Minor (does not appear on the graph), are Orion hunting dogs.
From the southern hemisphere, the main Canis ride in the sky during the evening at this time of the year. Confronting the northwest and searching for it, near Zenith.