In the thirtieth years, which had passed on the leaders for the first time to discuss how to reduce climate change under United Nations framework agreementThe Earth lost more than 14 trillion tons of ice of mountain ice rivers and ice panels.
We stand on the doorstep of the main losses in the polar ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica -The changes that occur in much closer to the previous scenarios of scientists. They are ending the end Low -stateThe original polar peoples and many forms of life have developed to flourish in these remote areas.
But they are also ready to strike all of us. It is difficult to imagine anywhere he will feel strong or widely like Asia. While the impact of high sea levels on the main economic centers, including Hong Kongand Shanghaiand Bangkok and MumbaiThe subject of study and adaptation, Asia was facing a dual threat. It is also in the front line of rapid slope and the loss of snow rings across the mountains.
While the large sea level is likely to be a reality in the second half of the twenty -first century, the mountains are a ongoing disaster.
Snow and global ice provides fresh water for about two billion people. Regarding First World Glacier Day, on March 21, World Glacier Monitoring Services estimated that we lost 9 trillion tons of ice from mountains since the records started in 1975. This is equivalent to a 25 -meter snow block the size of Germany.
It will make further loss of “ecosystem service” some agriculture, energy supplies and unprecedented societies.