NASA’s astronauts are preparing to end a flexibility flight

In a video on YouTube, published by NASA, children sit in elegant classes at the Sunita L. Williams Elementary School in Nidham, Massachusetts. You can see them waving their small hands on the camera, bringing the image about 250 miles above the ground to the international space station.

They were speaking in December without anything but Sonita Williams, bearing the name of the school and an astronaut at the space station.

It should be at home already. A series of technical failures that take eight to nine months have been extended, as some news organizations and politicians have led tension and blame.

Why did we write this

Focus a story

It was reported that the astronauts were “cut off” in space. But their training and personality may tell the story of the ability to adapt and strength.

But the direct broadcast of Mrs. Williams with these young students gave a glimpse of another aspect of the epic.

She was suspended in precise gravity, wandering Mrs. Williams around the stuffed Wildcat, the amulet at school. I was asked how astronauts celebrate their birthdays at the space station.

“Of course, we still have to work, but the crew on board is trying to make it very distinctive, and we have become good in making cakes here,” she says. They use pudding for frosty and cinnamon cakes for the cake.

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