TLC stars Jay Manuel and Pamela Chavez Do not let their medical conditions stand in the way they enjoy in the bedroom. The new reality stars, which were born with fragile bone disease, known as the OI 3 (OI) bone bone, has recently opened their sexual lives.
“How does sex work for a couple that breaks the bones easily?” A reality producer Jay and Pamela He asked the couple in a clip shared by TLC official Instagram Page on March 15. “Should you be very careful?”
Jay, 28, replied, “It is careful not even in the room with us when we have sex. I thought it would be. I thought we would be careful when having sex, but we are just risking.
Pamela, 30 years old, is in harmony with the conversation.
“Then the next day, you are like,” my back hurts me, “she said while mocking Jay jokingly.
This was not the first time that the couple laughed at their sexual life during the prescribed Jay and Pamela. In a previous clip, Jay opened about the time when things got a little wilderness between him and Pamela in bed.
“It is strange in the papers,” Jay told the camera newspaper. “On the time when we had an intimate moment, they threw me on the wall. I didn’t expect it. I just wanted to be known. It’s strange in all papers.”
In another scene, he laughed while telling Pamela, “If we have more privacy, I can fix this scoli for you. You know what I am saying?”
OI is a heir disorder that can be passed by one or both parents, and it is at birth, according to Medicine John Hopkins. The site also explained that the symptoms in children differ from every child. Those who were born with the disease “may have soft bones that are easily broken (fracture), the bones that are not normal, and other problems.”
Medicine, John Hopkins, stated that this type 3, the type of Jay and Pamela, is “the most severe type in children who do not die like a newborn iron. At birth, the child may have arms and legs slightly shorter than usual, arm, leg and rib fractures.”
Pamela gave fans more details surrounding them during an episode of the first season of their reality.
“It causes a short position, a jungle, and fragile bones – so we easily disintegrate,” she explained.
Jay said he was together, he and Pamela maintained “more than 400 fractures” combined.
“It could be simple as getting away from the bed, and taking a deep breath,” explained, while Pamela added, “I literally have a broken rib at the present time.”
The couple gave the possibilities of survival in small ages, and Jay revealed that his parents told him that he “would not make her exceed 5 years.”
Pamela and Jay, they made their best to keep their condition to restrict them to live their lives.
“People are always assuming us and what we can,” said Pamela.