Exclusive: Jacqueline Philippot leaves her role as CEO of the International Film Commission. It was named as an industry leader in late 2022. I will give up the position at the end of April.
AFCI Search for a running alternative. The functional specifications show the role and details of responsibilities, including being AFCI spokesperson, collecting donations and supervising employee operations. The executive director is presented to the council, and the president is the direct supervisor.
AFCI is an organic network of movie commissions, which represents the fiftieth anniversary this year. Marney Ji was elected from the Film Committee from British Columbia, President of the Asian Federation, last year for two years.
Org hosts many conferences and communication events in the large international film markets. It organized the summit of the International Film Committee network, which will be held during the Cannes Film Festival, in the Marché du. The annual Cineposium will be held in CINCINNATI this year, and will continue 15-18 September.
Philipot confirmed the news of her departure. “I appreciated my time with AFCI, as it has achieved over the past two years important features, strengthened the organization’s basis, and presented the strategic plan that was developed in 2023; I now decided to follow new professional opportunities but I am still committed to supporting the continuous AFCI progress.”
By highlighting the achievements during its AFCI management period, PhilPot referred to achievements including 27 % in membership and increased revenue, as well as securing financing for the digital transformation initiative.