It is rare, but in some cases the tick bite can develop an allergy to red meat.
Scientists believe that most cases are linked to the Lone Star, a type usually found in the southeastern United States and the lower Middle West.
However, two reports of the case published this week indicate that two other types – exist elsewhere in the country – may also lead to allergies.
When ticks are filled, it fires a fixed stream of saliva that contains chemicals that keep the blood flow to the victim while feeding it. Sometimes, saliva contains a sugar molecule called alpha Gal. Alpha Gal syndrome, the interaction of the molecule that occurs in some people, causes red meat allergy.
“The alpha syndrome has relatively rare, but those who have a fully sensitive shock,” said Douglas Norris, professor of microbiology and microbiology at Jones Hopkins Bloomberg College for Public Health.
Disease Control and Prevention Center Estimates Almost half a million people in the United States suffer from alpha -Gal syndrome.
“We believe that the Lone Star brand is still responsible for most alpha -Gal syndrome cases in the United States,” said Dr. Johanna Salzer, a veterinary medical official and epidemic specialist in the Diseases Department transmitted by the Center for Disease Control. Salzer worked on both the reports of the new case, published on Wednesday in the agency’s magazine, Emerging infectious diseases.
These reports found alpha -Gall syndrome cases Washington and who In two women, she did not travel to the areas where the Lone Star sign usually.
Both women were informed of his bite by tick, indicating that the other species – including Ixodes SCAPULARIS, It is also called The remains of black black or deer-with alpha-Gall syndrome, although they are rarely more than that. Related sign, Ixodes PacificusOr black -legged western ticks, was also linked to the Washington issue.
Disease Control Center Common cases map – This indicates high concentrations in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, Kansas, Kentucky, Oklahoma and Tennessi as well Ixodes SCAPULARIS “This was widely caused,” Salzer said.
However, the documented cases related to other guns in the United States are “definitely a big deal”, Matthew Aleotic, associate professor in the Department of Veterinary and Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota.
Unlike Lyme disease or heart virus, Alpha Gall syndrome is not caused by bacteria or virus. The syndrome is instead an immune reaction to alpha Gal, a sugar that is almost in all non -primary animals, including cows, horses and deer that can be present in saliva.
For some people, exposure to Alafa Gal through the tick bite leads to the response of the immunoglobulin E or Ige in the body. People who run this response develop an allergy to meat that you can take From weeks to months to appear. Alpha Gal syndrome was discovered in 2009, and researchers are still working to answer many questions on this topic-including the reason for some people’s reaction to Alpha Gal while many do not.
For most people who develop alpha -Gal syndrome, an allergic reaction occurs hours after eating red meat.
“It is unique because it is a late reaction, approximately 2-8 hours, so you can face difficulty in knowing the trigger,” said Salizer, noting that with other ige allergies, such as peanuts or oysters, the reaction is almost immediate.
Different people can also have different reactions, which can increase the complexity of the diagnosis.
In one case, a 61 -year -old woman in Washington state went to the trauma of allergies after 29 days had passed, and she remembered that she was bitten by a tick on her shoulder: after eating taco baccalaureate beef sandwiches, she erupted in her cells and her tongue was enlarged and shaved. This happened again after I ate pork.
In the other case, a 45 -year -old woman in Maine suffers from stomach pain and a feeling of public uparity after about two and a half hours of a roasted rabbit. About nine days ago, she removed the mark of deer from her arm. After this first accident, she was getting sick a few hours after eating any kind of red meat. Cow meat sparked a seizure of vomiting and diarrhea that eventually landed in the doctor’s office.
Both women have proven positive for antibodies, alpha-majority, and both of them remember their bites as itching and fading.
“Everyone will not have this local reaction, but it is very common,” Salzer said, in reference to the flaming ruling bites. She said: “But there is a sub -group of people with alpha -Gal syndrome who do not remember their biting through ticks,” she said.
Increased risk of developing ticks
In 2023, Men CDC documented 23 cases of Alpha -Gal Make sure syndrome, but it is not clear that the ticks had faced while traveling. (Lone Star Ticks is not common in Mine and Washington, but it was found there.)
Norris said it was also possible that these other types in the United States are always linked to Alpha-Gal, but doctors have almost not discovered them as with Lone Star. In fact, ticks are known in Africa, Australia, Central America, Europe and Central America as well Alpha Gal syndrome guidance.
One thing is certain: ticks, and the diseases they are associated with, thrive.
“The inhabitants of the tick in general, especially with Lone Star Ticks, are exploding throughout the United States,” said Eyta. “Lone Star moves to larger geographical areas, and this range continues to expand with climate change.”
For this reason, it is important to take precautions to avoid ticks. This includes the use of error repellent and wearing shirts, pants and long -sleeved socks when it is outdoor during the tick season, which usually begins in April. If you are in a tester or tall herb, take a shower and do “check ticks” when you get home.
“The most important thing is to completely prevent tick bite,” Salzer said.