Inside Kubernetes Scheduling: How Your Pods Fight for a Place to Exist

Important note: as almost everything in Kubernetes(further K8s), scheduling, as a process can be customized/extended by user to their demands. In this guide we will talk about kube-scheduler | Kubernetes with default plugins enabled.

1. Inside kube-scheduler

What is scheduling

In Kubernetes, scheduling refers to making sure that Pods are matched to Nodes so that Kubelet can run them. The central component responsible for scheduling decisions is kube-scheduler.

In a bird’s eye view kube-scheduler would look like this:

kube-scheduler watches for newly created/updated Pods and adds them to the scheduling queue. The top priority item from the queue then goes through the scheduling process, which consists of scheduling and binding cycles. At the end, the Pod is either scheduled or going back to the scheduler’s queuing mechanism to wait until it will be considered schedulable again.

Scheduler’s queueing mechanism

The scheduling cycle is synchronous, therefore Pods have to wait for their turn to be scheduled. During scheduling, if conditions specified by Pod not yet met(existence of a persistent volume/compliance with affinity rules/etc.), the Pod needs to be moved back to the waiting line. For that reason kube-scheduler has queueing mechanism that consists of multiple data structures serving different purposes^.

These data structures are:

  • Active queue(ActiveQ) — providing pods for immediate scheduling. The Pods here are either newly created or ones that are ready to be retried for scheduling. Implemented as a heap which orders Pods using plugins that implement QueueSort extension point. By default, PrioritySort plugin is used — as the name suggests, it sorts Pods by highest priority.
  • Unschedulable pods map — when scheduling for Pod fails, either during scheduling or binding cycle, the Pod is considered as unschedulable and placed in this map(or straight in BackoffQ if move request was received, see details below). The Pods are held here until some change in a cluster happens(new node added, PV created, Pod affinity rules satisfied, etc.) that could make those Pods schedulable.
  • Backoff queue(BackoffQ) — holds previously unschedulable pods for a backoff period, before they are back to ActiveQ. The backoff period raises exponentially, depending on the number of unsuccessful scheduling attempts for that Pod.

Pods from ActiveQ are popped by scheduler, when it’s ready to process them. Pods in BackoffQ and in Unschedulable map are waiting for certain condition(s) to happen.

Pods, that failed to be scheduled, first are placed in Unschedulable pods map — from which they can move either to BackoffQ or to ActiveQ directly. Pods are moved from Unschedulable map on few occasions:

  • flushUnschedulablePodsLeftover — is the routine which is running every 30 seconds(hard-coded value^). It selects Pods which stay in the map longer than required amount of time(set by PodMaxInUnschedulablePodsDuration) and by using queueing hint^ determines if Pod could be schedulable again — if so, moves it either to BackoffQ or to ActiveQ(if backoff period for Pod is ended already).
  • Move request which can be triggered either by changes to nodes, PVs, etc.^ or by plugins^. When triggered it’s using the same logic as flushUnschedulablePodsLeftover.

Pods placed in BackoffQ are waiting for a backoff period to end. flushBackoffQCompleted routine is running every second(hard-coded value ^) which simply moves all pods that completed backoff to activeQ.

Scheduling process

When top priority Pod from ActiveQ is popped by scheduler it will go through scheduling and binding cycles.

First is scheduling cycle^, which is synchronous(meaning that only one Pod at the time is going through the cycle) and consists of 2 stages:

  1. Filtering nodes on which the Pod can be deployed, based, for example, on node labels, resource utilization and so on.
  2. Scoring the nodes returned by filtering stage based on preferences and optimization rules such as topology spread constraints — to select the best option.

After decision is made in scheduling cycle, it’s time for a binding cycle^ — which running asynchronously(and allowing another Pod to go through the scheduling cycle) is responsible for notifying API server about the decision.

Fundamental part of each cycle are extension points, which are implemented by plugins. Basically, kube-scheduler implements the glue between calls to plugins, which are responsible for the actual scheduling decisions. For example, there’s NodeName plugin which implements Filter extension point — it checks if there’s node name in a Pod spec and matches it to the actual node — if this plugin is disabled, users will not be able to assign Pods to specific nodes.

The list of default plugins can be found in Kubernetes docs ^.

2. Quick note on preemption and evictions

I prefer to formulate the concepts of preemption and eviction slightly different than in official docs^:

  • Preemption is the process of freeing node from the Pods with lower priority(look into priority classes^), to make space for the Pod with higher priority.
  • Eviction(which comes in different forms) is the removal of the Pod from the node. Therefore, eviction can be a part of preemption process.

Concerning the scheduler. If Pod fails to be scheduled during the scheduling cycle the PostFilter plugins are called^. By default, it’s only the DefaultPreemption plugin.

DefaultPreemption goes through the nodes and checks if node preemption will allow to schedule the Pod to this node. If so, it will evict the lower-priority pods and send the currently processed Pod to be rescheduled.

The eviction of Pod can be done in multiple ways. For example, API-initiated eviction(for example, by calling kubectl drain) will use Eviction API^ which will respect Pod Disruption Budget(PDB).

The eviction during node preemption works by removing nominatedNodeName field from evicted pods statuses, without respecting PDBs or QoS^. The Scheduler’s preemption process will try to respect PDBs, when selecting pods for eviction, but if Pod with PDB is the only option, it will select it.

3. Let’s schedule some Pods

Examples in this section can be ran on local cluster provided by kind. This command will create the cluster: kind create cluster --config=kind.conf.

kind: Cluster
 - role: control-plane
 - role: worker
     zone: west
     disktype: ssd
 - role: worker
     zone: west
 - role: worker
     zone: east
 - role: worker
     zone: east

If you want to dive deeper into runtime operations of kube-scheduler — it’s possible to increase log level by getting into control plane node(for example using node-shell plugin for kubectl: kubectl node-shell kind-control-plane) and then modifying kube-scheduler manifest — /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml, for example with command: sed -i '19i \ \ \ \ - --v=10' /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml.

The kube-scheduler will be restarted automatically by control plane, after changes to manifests are applied. Although, it’s important to note that kube-scheduler doesn’t log calls to filter plugins and relies on logging on the plugin side. Which most default plugins don’t do that well.

First steps

As we discussed earlier, standard kube-scheduler setup has a number of default plugins activated. A bunch of those don’t need any additional config in Pod spec to affect the scheduling.

Let’s apply the simple manifest, without any additional rules for scheduler:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 name: simple
     app: simple
 replicas: 1
       app: simple
     - name: nginx
       image: nginx

A bunch of plugins will do some work during scheduling this Pod:

  • PrioritySort — is, basically, a Less function applied when Pod is added to queue(heap).
  • NodeUnschedulable — at Filter endpoint will filter out nodes with .spec.unshedulable set to true.
  • DefaultPreemption — the PostFilter is called only if Filter phase didn’t found any feasible nodes for the Pod. DefaultPreemption, as the name suggests, tries to remove lower priority Pods to make scheduling, for Pod in processing, possible.
  • During scoring, all plugins that implement extension point will be called to score feasible nodes. Shown in this example are: ImageLocality — favoring nodes that already have the container image that Pod runs; NodeResourceFit — by default using “least allocated”(max available resources) strategy to score nodes; NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation — favors nodes with more balanced resource usage if Pod is scheduled there.
  • DefaultBinder — when feasible node is found, scheduler updates nodeName in Pod’s spec.

Dangers of specifying NodeName field

plugins: NodeName, NodeUnschedulable

The most straight-forward way of dealing with scheduling is setting the node in a Pod spec in nodeName field. However the behavior is somewhat unintuitive in this case.

Set the worker node to be unschedulable: kubectl cordon kind-worker. Then deploy the nginx manifest below, which specifies the kind-worker node in the spec. You’ll see that, despite the node being unschedulable, the Pod was still deployed and running on it.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 name: nginx
     app: nginx
       app: nginx
    nodeName: kind-worker
     - name: nginx
       image: nginx

nodeName is intended for use by custom schedulers or advanced use cases where you need to bypass any configured schedulers. Bypassing schedulers might lead to failed Pods if the assigned Nodes get oversubscribed. You can use node affinity or the nodeSelector field to assign a Pod to a specific Node without bypassing the schedulers.

Setting resource requirements

plugins: NodeResourcesFit, NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation

When deploying a Pod you can request and limit the usage of following resources: CPU, Memory and Ephemeral storage. Resource constraints play a significant role in scheduling but also in how they will be treated when there’s not enough resources on a node(known as Quality of Service ^)

There’s 2 plugins that play the main role during scheduling here:

  • NodeResourcesFit filters the nodes that have all the resources that the Pod is requesting.
  • NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation during thel scoring favors nodes that would obtain a more balanced resource usage if Pod is scheduled there.

Apply this manifest:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 name: nginx-126
     app: nginx-126
 replicas: 1
       app: nginx-126
     - name: nginx
       image: nginx:1.26
           cpu: "1"

If you search kube-scheduler logs(if set to appropriate level) for the Pod name, you will see something like this:

pod="nginx1.26" plugin="NodeResourcesFit" node="kind-worker" score=91
pod="nginx1.26" plugin="NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation" node="kind-worker" score=93
pod="nginx1.26" plugin="NodeResourcesFit" node="kind-worker2" score=91
pod="nginx1.26" plugin="NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation" node="kind-worker2" score=93

If you used the kind config provided above, you will see the scores for all 4 worker nodes. As there was no other pods on these nodes, which means the identical allocatable resources on each, we see that NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation scores all nodes the same.

Given that the nodes final score is the same, the one is chosen randomly^. In our case kind-worker2 node was selected.

Now try to apply this manifest additionally:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 name: nginx-127
     app: nginx-127
 replicas: 1
       app: nginx-127
     - name: nginx
       image: nginx:1.27
           cpu: "1"

You will see different scoring for new Pod in the logs:

pod="nginx1.27" plugin="NodeResourcesFit" node="kind-worker" score=91
pod="nginx1.27" plugin="NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation" node="kind-worker" score=93
pod="nginx1.27" plugin="NodeResourcesFit" node="kind-worker2" score=83
pod="nginx1.27" plugin="NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation" node="kind-worker2" score=87

As we already have a pod deployed on the kind-worker2 node — we see that the scores given by NodeResourcesFit and NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation plugins are lower. Therefore, final score for other worker nodes is higher and Pod is scheduled to one of them.

Affinity rules

The dictionary definition of affinity would say that it’s “attractions or connection between things/ideas”. So when we define affinity/anti-affinity rules in K8s, it’s helpful to think about them as rules of attraction either to nodes or to pods that have certain characteristics.

Node affinity

plugins: NodeAffinity

The simplest example of affinity rule for nodes is nodeSelector field. Let’s say we have nodes in different regions, and these nodes have label zone that carry that info:

	zone: east

When Pod nodeSelector set, scheduler will only schedule the Pod to one of the nodes that has all the specified labels.

But what if Pods should be deployed in the certain zone and it’s preferred that pods are scheduled on nodes that have SSD storage. If nodeSelector set to:

	zone: east
	disktype: ssd

the Pod will end up unschedulable, as there’s no node with SSD in the east zone. nodeSelector isn’t expressive enough for selection logic with optional conditions.

For such cases affinity rules come to help:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 name: east-ssd
     app: east-ssd
 replicas: 1
       app: east-ssd
           - matchExpressions:
             - key: zone
               operator: In
               - east
         - weight:1
             - key: disktype
               operator: In
               - ssd
     - name: nginx
       image: nginx

In manifest above the following affinity rules are set:

            - matchExpressions:
              - key: zone
                operator: In
                - east
          - weight: 100
              - key: disktype
                operator: In
                - ssd

There’s 2 types of affinity rules:

  • requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution — filter out nodes based on provided rules. Important note: rules in nodeSelectorTerms are ORed, rules in matchExpressions are ANDed. Besides In, other operators are available: NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist. Gt, and Lt [^](Assigning Pods to Nodes | Kubernetes)
  • preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution — scores nodes based on provided weighted rules. As was mentioned before, each plugin that implements score extension point will return a score for each feasible(the ones that passed filter stage) node. Affinity plugins(both Node and InterPod) return score based on weights provided in manifests. Therefore, in given example, it’s not guaranteed, even if node with SSD is present, that it will be chosen for Pod scheduling. It will be scored and compared with other feasible nodes.

Important note: both rules have suffix IgnoredDuringExecution meaning that if conditions change after Pod was already scheduled, for example the node label value will be changed, the Pod will not be rescheduled.

Pod affinity

plugins: InterPodAffinity

There’s scenarios when co-location of different services is desired. For example, there could be interdependent microservices, that constantly communicate. Placing such workloads close to each other would improve performance(minimizing latency).

Pod affinity allows to define such constraints of the form “this Pod should (or, in the case of anti-affinity, should not) run in an X if that X is already running one or more Pods that meet rule Y, where X is a topology domain like node, rack, cloud provider zone or region, or similar”^.

Pod affinity rules are similar to node affinity. The names are same: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution and preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution. But rules have additional required field topologyKey — which should point to node’s label, based on which co-location is defined.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 name: colocated-app1
     app: colocated-app1
 replicas: 1
       app: colocated-app1
     - name: nginx
       image: nginx
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 name: colocated-app2
     app: colocated-app2
 replicas: 1
       app: colocated-app2
         - labelSelector:
             - key: app
               operator: In
               - colocated-app1
           topologyKey: zone
     - name: nginx
       image: nginx

In these examples Pod affinity is defined for app2 as:

    - labelSelector:
      - key: app
        operator: In
        - colocated-app1
          topologyKey: zone

Based on this, the colocated-app2will be scheduled to the node that has the same value in zone label(topology domain) as the one on which app1 is deployed.

Pod anti-affinity

plugins: InterPodAffinity

Another scenario is when it’s preferred that Pods are deployed in different topology domains(for example for availability) — so there’s anti-affinity between Pods.

Pod anti-affinity rules are the same ones that are used for Pod affinity:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 name: aaapp
     app: aaapp
 replicas: 2
       app: aaapp
         - labelSelector:
             - key: app
               operator: In
               - aaapp
           topologyKey: zone
     - name: nginx
       image: nginx
         - labelSelector:
             - key: app
               operator: In
               - aaapp
           topologyKey: zone

The rule is identical to how it would be defined in Pod affinity, with exception that it’s part of podAntiAffinity kind. Therefore, 2 replicas of Anti-affinity app will be scheduled to the nodes in different topology domains.

Pod Topology Spread

plugins: PodTopologySpread

Pod Topology Spread(PTS), on the first glance, can be similar to affinity rules. But, in fact, it’s a very different concept. Affinity rules are concerned with attraction between Pods and nodes — or in simple terms, keeping Pods close or at a distance from each other. PTS is about controlling evenness of distribution of Pods across different topology domains.

Let’s utilize the cluster from Affinity examples:

Assume we want an even distribution across east and west zones — so that when we scale an app from 2 to 4 replicas, or 4 to 8, the same number of replicas will be running in each zone.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: dapp
    app: dapp
replicas: 6
      app: dapp
    - maxSkew: 1
      topologyKey: zone
      whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
          app: dapp
    - name: nginx
      image: nginx
    - maxSkew: 1
      topologyKey: zone
      whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
          app: dapp

maxSkew field defines the degree of unevenness of distribution of Pods between domains. whenUnsatisfiable defines either scheduler use skew for filtering nodes out(DoNotSchedule) or for prioritizing nodes which cause min skew(ScheduleAnyway). For example, with maxSkew: 1 and DoNotSchedule strategy, assume we already have 3 replicas distributed between east and west zones — 2 pods in west and 1 in the east, so the skew between domains is 1. If we add another replica — it can’t be placed in west zone, as skew will be greater than maxSkew, so it has to be placed in east zone.

PTS can be useful for achieving:

  • resilience — if one zone is down, workload is still available, by being deployed in another zone.
  • balanced resource utilization — ensuring that no single topology domain becomes a bottleneck and keeping app close to consumers, optimizing network latency.

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