In California, confusion is increasing about setting 2 national landmarks

A week after the White House indicated that it would lead to the elimination of national effects in California, many are still not sure whether President Trump has already canceled the land protected situation.

Mr. Trump announced last Friday that he would do a declaration signed by former President Joseph R. Biden Junior a week before his departure from his position, which established the national monuments in Chakwalla and Stetlla, which included more than 848,000 acres of desert lands and mountains.

Then the White House was launched Fact paper This included a bullet point stating that Mr. Trump will “end the statements” that announce the effects that protect “huge amounts of land from economic development and energy production.”

The New York Times confirmed last Saturday that Mr. Trump had already canceled this announcement. But later that day, the end of the leading point of the national antiquities of the national monuments disappeared White House fact paper.

Posted on X The White House, which was verified Last week, the account still includes ending national monuments, and it was not edited or removed from Saturday morning.

The White House refused to answer questions about the contradiction.

“It is clear that we were very disappointed with the vision of the facts that rise and then confuse them to see it return down,” said Mark Green, CEO of Calwild, a non -profit organization in California calling for wild places on public lands. “There is a very little clarity about what is going on, and there is a lack of transparency with this administration, it is really difficult to know what is happening.”

Actor Raul Ruiz, Democrat California, said his office is working to understand what was happening. He helped pay to create a national chockwalla in his area.

“There is one certain thing,” said Dr. Ruiz. “If the appointment is canceled, we will fight like hell to defend him.”

Mr. Biden set the national effects of Chuckwalla and Sáttla in January to protect wildlife and grandparents’ lands, and to help prevent mining, digging and energy development.

The National Memorial of Chuckwalla includes about 644,000 acres south of Joshua Tree National Park, and the National Sáttitla National monument north of Mount Shassa, near the borders of Oregon, about 200,000 acres. The Earth includes mountain ranges, ecoschs, desert landscapes, and more than 50 rare species of plants and animals.

The state lawmakers, conservative scientists, renewable energy companies and original tribes have jointly called for the protection of the Earth.

Mr. Biden protected about 674 million acres of federal lands, more than any other president. He was able to do this using the Antiquities Law, a law in 1906 that gives presidents unilateral authority to protect land and water for the benefit of Americans.

But Mr. Trump said that he would retract a lot of Mr. Biden’s environmental work when he took the constitutional oath – withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and ending climate regulations, and began – and in early January he said that he would not tolerate water withdrawal from oil and gas digging.

Mr. Trump said, “I will reflect it immediately,” said Mr. Trump. “This will be done immediately and we will drill, child, drilling.”

The question is whether Mr. Trump has an authority to reflect the creation of a national monument created by a former president.

During his first term, Mr. Trump has shrunk the size of two national-ears and the great stairs in Utah-to two million acres. A lawsuit was filed on the pretext that the Antiquities Law did not give the president the authority to limit the national park, but the case was abandoned after the re -establishment of Biden and the expansion of the national monuments a little.

Mr. Green is confident that the cancellation of Mr. Biden ads can put Mr. Trump in court.

Mr. Green said: “We believe that these effects are in the legal sense, and that there is nothing that the Trump administration will be able to do about this less than the violation of the law.”

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