In the nineties, a colleagues took me to “Snake Ally”, the Taipei Red Light Zone, to spend a night of drinking with “artists” and some of their serious friends. It was a fun time by everyone, fortunately. However, I was young, stupid, and I had it because I didn’t end up in any problem.
Some parts of the Internet like this too. If you think you will get browsing in a risky internet neighborhood-KNOCKOFF shopping, an unknown flow service, or somewhere, you are not completely sure that it is legitimate-you have a reserve laptop, you can always redistribute it to what I call “a laptop”: a mobile device that hardens on additional discrimination and security.
In my case, I managed to do this for “free”. But it requires a version of Windows 10 or 11 this is not common, and the VPN subscription is present. Me too no The claim that this composition of this computer will protect you from any harmful programs and intruding eyes, but it will definitely help.
Place a paranoid computer
- What you will need: VPN subscription and a laptop (16 GB of Favorite RAM) Windows 10/11 Pro operates
I have reused a laptop old to create a paranoid computer. You He can Use your daily computer for this purpose, but it is also likely to expose you to greater risks if anything bad slides through the safety screen. In any case, it is a good idea in almost any case to use an account without the official to reach additional security, and perhaps a local account in it.
Nevertheless, the key is to prepare a computer using Windows 10 or 11 Pro due to a feature that is provided by: Windows Sandbox.
Sandbox has been five years ago (!), And I still feel it was one of the most appreciated features within Windows. Sandbox creates a virtual environment with minimal settings; Basically, it is a Windows computer inside your computer, protected by a “trench” that isolates it from your computer. Once the sand box is closed, the entire “computer” And anything he has inside it Permanently erased. This includes any harmful programs that have been in its way.
Sandbox is an optional feature within Windows 10 or 11 Pro, and access to it will need to run it. To enable it, you will need to move to the Windows feature control panel, which you can find by searching for Run Windows features and stop them Inside Windows Search. (We have a deeper diving in Windows, here.)
Once the sand box enables, Windows will update itself with the appropriate features, restart, and open Windows again. You will need to run Windows Sandbox via a Start menu or search box.
Sandbox mainly creates a computer environment within a window, but it is a general computer. You don’t need to log in, please do! We want this computer to be calm and unconventional as possible.

You can expand the sand box to the dimensions of the screen, or leave it a window. It is up to you.
Install the brave browser
In the past, I have argued that Sandbox provides a strong level of safety and privacy, only by lonely. But we will go further. What Sandbox allows you to do is use the built -in version of Microsoft Edge to download other programs. Although Microsoft Edge is not sagging in the privacy section, we will use the Brave browser to provide an additional level of privacy and safety.

Mark Hashman / IDG
Brave started as a very privacy browser, and still. Her reputation has been tense a little because of her relationships with cryptocurrencies, but she is still a good option to download to browse the deeper tributary of the network. If you want to use another browser, though, you can. Just make sure to configure it the way you want, add any additional ingredients you choose. I still will not register to enter or get to know yourself in another way.
VPN installation
I use VPN because, well, not your work. This is the basic point. VPNS can be used to access content in other countries, avoid the eyes of authoritarian governments, private chat with friends, etc. It is closer to locking your door and drawing your shadows, and most people do it in the real world.

Mark Hashman / IDG
VPN will not necessarily protect your Sandbox computer from harmful software, but it adds an additional layer of not detecting its identity. Some VPNS also include antivirus that has also been promoted. (Sometimes the courage can get a very aggressive boy in banning downloads and text programs. In this case, go ahead and use Edge to download VPN instead.) You may be able to stay away from operating the VPN outside the sand box, but if it is installed from the sand box environment.
What VPN should you use for privacy? You can choose from free VPN less powerful or one of the most powerful VPNS. I prefer VPN that provides toxic contacts for the device to allow me to be freedom to install it on multiple laptops, but there is a lot to choose from. VPNS is a category where you get what you pay for.
Browse safely through stormy seas
Once Sandbox, brave, and VPN are installed, you are finished. You can start exploring some of the most shadows on the web.
Do not hesitate, of course, to install other programs. If you want to download the free or distinct antivirus package for additional safety, go to it. When you think about it, anything bad will have to get out of the brave browser sand box, then get Windows Crack. This is not impossible, but it is unlikely.
There are some things to consider. I notice To what environment is your index. If you are absent from an open edge in the standard desktop environment, the browser window lacks all your sand box protection, and perhaps VPN as well. It is part of the reason I recommend Brave: not only a privacy designer, but it is not a browser used by many people. The brave indicates that I am in embracing Sandbox.

Mark Hashman / IDG
Brave also blocks ads and popups – which, in certain areas of the web, can be a means of harmful programs. We still recommend you to browse safety and do no Go to click on Willy-Nilly on anything you see. However, if you download something malicious, it should be cut by Sandbox.
In the worst cases, as the “computer” of Sandbox is significantly infected, you can simply close the sand box down by closing the window. You will receive a notification that this will erase everything inside the sand box environment, but that is good. All you have to do is open a new version of Sandbox, which will be primitive and without prejudice. You will then need to re -download Brave, VPN and any other program. We recommend that an antiviral examination be taken to install the main Windows just to be safe.
Sandbox has another feature that deserves knowledge: its file explorer, which is somewhat similar to. If this happens to download something involuntarily, it will receive regular protection from Windows Security. But anything you can fill voluntarily will fall into the Sandbox Download folder.

Mark Hashman / IDG
It is well recommended to check the file by right -clicking on this. (In Windows 11, go to “Show More Options” and then “Wipe with Microsoft Defender” or other antivirus program. Or drop it in to check multi -Internet antiviral programs.)
Just check this (or run) from inside the sand box! From there, you can cut it and paste it into your main computer operating system.
Of course, security professionals will have a more advanced protection for them. But for medium browsing, this provides some strong additional protection. Think about this “Personal Personal Perfect” as a personal guardian in a dark alley, with a large four -wheel drive vehicle waiting to return to the real world if things get worse.
More reading: These simple security amendments 10 keep you safe