I do not swear, tax police and tourist police: strict new holiday bases in Brett Hot, the hot point because they decrease the “riotous” visitors

The tourist Hotpot, which the British love slapped a new strict rules book on “riotous” visitors.

Bali announced a set of rules, including banning insults and tourist tax – imposed by a police force devoted to eliminating rioters.


Bali is a hot point for the doctrine of pleasure between travelersCredit: Getty Images – Getty
Two young couple are accepted at a party.


The British, Australians and other nationalities accumulate on the island to loseCredit: Getty Images – Getty
Tourists relax on Kuta Beach, Bali.


Local authorities are cutting alien with a set of new strict rulesCredit: AFP

The ruler decided to contact the time that has not been verified, after reports of misconduct by foreign vacationers.

The tropical paradise is especially popular among the British who appear on the back and the Australians.

Officials are pleading with tourists to show more respect for local culture – or face the harsh punishment.

The island has a history of meaningless to rioters, and the deportation of hundreds every year.

Ian Kuster, the governor of the province on the Indonesian island, announced mining in a statement on Monday.

He said: “As things change, we need adaptation.

“this [set of rules] It ensures that Bali tourism remains respectable and sustainable, and in harmony with our local values. “

They emphasize that tourists must respect the religious customs of Bali, pay the price of goods with a local currency and obey road laws.

Foreigners are also banned from the sacred temples of non -religious, right, or company management without appropriate licenses.

Also, a tax was also applied to anyone visiting the island.

CCTV shows a Thai Gospel House goalkeeper Brett wrestling on the ground before his death

They must now pay 150,000 Indonesian rupees – about 8 pounds – on the government’s site when they leave the island.

The KOSter advertisement comes days before NYEPI – the Day of Silence in Bali – which is located on Saturday, March 29 this year.

From 6 am to Saturday until 6 am on Sunday, everyone – including tourists – must stay inside.

Before the Hindu Festival, Coster said: “We have prepared a special team for surgery. Foreign tourists who are not riots will be treated firmly.”

Tourists fire marine turtles for children on the beach.


Tourists have been informed that they must respect local customsCredit: Getti
Young people celebrate a nightclub.


The new rules include a ban on the right and the entry of the Holy templesCredit: Getty Images – Getty
Dancing parties in a nightclub.


The vacationers were also warned against illegal business administrationCredit

Local reports have set a trend for foreigners with tourist visas that manage illegal business.

Professor Bhutto Anum, from the University of Surabaya, said that tourists are providing unlicensed services for planning for the trips themselves.

This is not only illegal, but also presses the local population who provide tourism services.

Anum told Bali Sun: “There are tourists residing in Bali for a long time and [offer tourism services] For their friends. This must be banned, and the government must be firm. “

He added that Bali was facing an abundance of tourism services, especially in the hospitality sector, and he warned that he could lead to an economic collapse.

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