Federal workers say that the future is not certain after the court has found illegal release

WASHINGTON – A judge has spent on Thursday that the administration of President Donald Trump needed to return thousands of federal workers who launched dozens of agencies, a major blow to its efforts to reduce the size of the government.

But for those who have lost their jobs, there is still an important way to go before it becomes real.

“The people who committed these violations are still in power, and I have no belief in their ability to monitor the rule of law,” said Frank Zhou, who was expelled by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development in Chicago on February 14.

Chu was one of many test workers who were cut by the Trump administration last month. The term newly working by the federal government or jobs or agencies have been replaced recently. They usually have less than two years of service in this position, and they lack the protection of full civil service, which is easy to launch.

Frank Chu.With the permission of Frank Chu

Federal workers who recently shot and who spoke to NBC news like that there is a lot of uncertainty about whether they would get their jobs, especially since legal developments have not yet ended.

On Thursday, a California federal judge ordered that thousands of test staff who were expelled from the sections of the ancient warriors, defense, energy, interior, and agriculture affairs, and the cabinet must restore their functions. In a separate and more large -scale judgment later in the day, a federal judge in Maryland ordered the return of tens of thousands of divorced test staff in 12 departments and several agencies across the federal government.

Nathan Tich worked as an environmental scientist in the Land Management Office for a period of six months. He forced him to terminate a stampede to change the child’s care, and soon became a father at home. On Friday, he said that although his future is uncertain, at least he feels verified that his termination last month was illegal.

“I love to restore my job. You know, my profession as an environmental science and as a public employee just started.” “It is a lot of uncertainty, and I am trying to balance things that are suitable for my professional life and my family, and it’s really difficult to do this when the scene continues to change under my feet.”

The administration had said in the notifications of the workers that they were expelled for reasons for performance, although many say they only received great reviews. On Thursday, the judges explained that the government’s justification for eliminating them was a lie.

“It is sad, a sad day when our government launches some good employees, and says that he was dependent on performance, when they know well and good, this is a lie,” said American boycott judge William Almoub from California in his matter.

On Friday, there was no indicator of federal agencies that it will immediately comply with the court’s decisions. The White House indicated that the administration is not in a hurry to re -employ these workers.

“One judge is trying to seize the recruitment and release authority from the executive branch,” said Caroline Levitt, a White House press secretary. In a statement. “The President has the authority to exercise the entire executive authority’s authority – the unique boycott court judges cannot misuse the entire judiciary to thwart the president’s agenda. If the federal boycott judge desires the executive desire, they can try to run for the presidency themselves. The Trump administration will immediately fight against this ridiculous and unconstitutional matter.”

The employee management office, which supervises the civil service, had no comment and pointed to the Levit statement.

More layoffs may be widely on its way, as the department told the agencies to prepare for the main “reduction” plans for employee lowering.

A federal worker said last month from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases that the provisions of the new court are encouraging, but it is still unclear what will come.

The person said: “It is not clear to the people who are still in this situation, because I did not hear anything from the supervisor if I was returning or not.”

“Even if you received an email at the present time, saying that you were returned … “Who knows how they will play?

Trump described the work of the Ministry of Governmental efficiency in his speech to Congress this month and claimed, without evidence, that “hundreds of thousands of federal workers … did not appear to work.”

This week, Trump said he felt “very bad” for thousands of civilian employees who have lost their jobs in recent weeks, but they claimed – again without evidence – that “many of them do not work at all.”

“When we cut, we want to cut, but we want to cut people who do not work or … they do not do a good job,” he said.

Some test staff receive other positive signs that can restore their functions. Test workers in the Ministry of Agriculture began obtaining salaries on Wednesday from the date of the termination after the 45 -day protection regulations protection council issued a 45 -day shooting.

“The administration will quickly develop a gradual plan to return to the service, and while these plans are achieved, all test staff will be paid,” a Performance of the section He said.

Eva Kristensen was among these employees of the US Department of Agriculture who opened fire last month. She was a consultant in agricultural sciences in Washington, DC, headquartered in Washington, and was charged with treating barriers that prevented trade, so American farmers and producers had reliable access to open markets.

Kristensen said that employment has raised questions about the account and costs of time to return tens of thousands of employees who were separated.

“How will they go to 40,000 people simultaneously in an effective way of time is a puzzle for me,” she said, noting the time it takes even to small tasks, such as release and re -launching laptops. “The Ministry of Governmental Efficiency will cost taxpayers millions of dollars just for people who illegally shot.”

Rachel Spacet, the research of the gardeners in the service of agricultural research that was also launched in February, was informed on Thursday. She said she was “somewhat confident” that she will restore her job.

“The question is when?” She said Friday. “I don’t know anyone really has this answer.”

“I would just say that this is really ridiculous, and this is supposed to be efficient,” she said. “This does not feel very effective. I think it is better for them to look at what they actually stop it and after they only turn the keys. There may be room for improvement in the government, definitely, but this is not how to do it.”

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