Donald Trump and Elon Musk went on Thursday evening New York Times She published a story claiming that Elon was heading to the Pentagon to attend a meeting on the war with China.
The article said that the meeting was appointed on Friday and that Elon will be briefed on the military plans of how the United States dealt with conflict with China. Trump and Elon says the story is fake, the meeting does not revolve around China, and everyone who leaks this story to the press is tried.
Trump to publish:
“Fake news about it again, and this time the New York Times failed. How is ridiculous? The story called a complete lie and said:” How watered is that the interesting media can compensate for such lies. “
The report from The Times The Pentagon said the meeting with Elon on Friday. He claimed that two officials said that briefing would cover the war strategy if China and the United States entered a conflict.
Another official said that the focus would be China, and a fourth confirmed that the meeting was in the calendar, but he did not say what it was. A few hours after the drop of this piece, Trump denied everything and published that “the story is completely incorrect.”
Trump attacks the time, CNN and Haberman on the demand for war
Trump did not stop there. he to publish Once again, hours after the first article, the Times article transmitted directly: “The Pentagon will be informed by the Pentagon about the secret plans of the United States of America against China if there is a war,” according to the failed New York Times, one of the worst newspapers and the most inaccurate in the world.
He said that the entire article is based on the idea that Elon was very close to China and may leak American secrets. Trump wrote, “Their fake concept of this story is that since Elon does some works in China, he is very conflicting and will immediately go to senior Chinese officials and” pour beans. “
CNN also attacked to jump on the story. “The fake categories challenged CNN immediately challenged this funny story and sermon, which may be defamatory, and went with it. Fortunately, no one was watching!”
Then he turned his attention to the Times Maggie Haberman correspondent. Trump said: “Maggot Hagerman,” Maggot Hagerman, “” Maggot Hagerman “, who is constantly writing about me, using unknown sources, which are composed (not present!), Which I did not talk to in the ages, is a large part of the fraud. He blamed it for the previous coverage of the investigation of Russia, saying:
“It leads Russia, Russia, the trick of Russia, just to realize it was deceived and made a mistake. She owes me the Politzer Award that was completely photographed for its bad reports.” Trump ended with “fake news is the enemy of the people … and Ella was not briefed on anything by the Ministry of War !!!”
Elon clashes with publicity, calls for judicial prosecution
Elon posted on X immediately after Trump, where he participated in a screenshot in the first Trump job. He added: “The New York Times is pure propaganda. I also look forward to the trials of those in the Pentagon who leak from wrong information harmful to New York.
the Times He said that the Pentagon is planning to show Elon some of the most sensitive military documents in the government. They said that he would be able to reach about 20 to 30 segments that explain in detail how the war with China will appear, the duration of which will continue, and goals will strike, and in any order. They said this plan will appear for Trump to agree to it. the Times He also said that giving Elon this type of access would be a great expansion of his role in the second period of Trump.
The article also sparked conflict of interests. She said Elon, as head of Spacex and Tesla, works with the government as a major contractor but also has major operations in China. He said that these trade relationships are the reason that some people believe that it may be dangerous when it comes to classified information.
according to The TimesThis plan is what the Pentagon calls the O, short of operational plan. These are the most protected documents in the army. If another country is discovered about them, this may completely change the result of the war.
the Times Claim The plan shows how the United States will determine threats from China, after which the goals and when will be hit. The article did not say how the meeting was scheduled or the amount of the plan that will be allowed to see.
The Pentagon tries to clean the story, then confirms the meeting
The White House did not answer questions about the meeting. There was no official answer to whether Trump agreed to the meeting or signed a waiver of interests. Sean Barnil, a Pentagon spokesman, did not respond immediately. But after the story fell, he made a short statement: “The Ministry of Defense is excited to welcome Eileon Musk in the Pentagon on Friday.
Then Parnell posted on X: “This is 100 % fake news. Only with insolence and wrong. Elon Musk is patriotic. We are proud of his presence in the Pentagon.”
The Higseth Minister, the Minister of Defense, also published. “This is not a meeting on” Supreme Secret War of China War plans, “he said.
After about 30 minutes, Wall Street Magazine He emphasized that Elon was already scheduled to be briefed on the US war plans involving China.
After that, Elon posted again, with his call to prosecutions: “I look forward to the trials of those in the Pentagon who leak from wrong information harmful to NYT.”
According to the Times, the meeting was supposed to be held in the tank. This is a safe room in the Pentagon used in the meetings of the heads of subscribers and high national security surroundings. It is not the usual office of unofficial innovation talks.
The article said that Elon will be briefed by Higseth, Admiral Christopher Jaradi-President of the Acting Chiefs of Staff-and Prince Samuel Paparo, who leads the leadership of India and the Pacific. They said that these three had been appointed to provide detailed plans for what the United States would do if the war broke out with China.
Higseth has already reviewed part of this same plan last week and again on Wednesday, according to the Times. Therefore, implicitly this was not an informal meeting that was thrown together at the last minute.
It is also not clear how much the plan that Elon requested seeing, or whether he is supposed to get the full technical version. The article said that even most presidents do not see full documents. They get a simplified version because the actual plan is very complicated. It is made for military planners, not executives or politicians.
The article ended by saying that it was not clear, which prompted the Pentagon to inform Elon in the first place. It is not in the army. He is not a government official. It is not part of the national security team. It has no official role, Trump advises China’s military strategy.
However, the plan was there. The meeting was to be held. The Pentagon confirmed the visit. Then they denied the purpose. Now, Trump and Elon want criminal charges against those who have provided this information to the press.
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