Watch the fans Sami ShinNose function reveals Dennis Richards and her wild things After her surgery in August 2024, she was unable to curb tears while looking at her reflection in the mirror.
“I am very tense,” Sami, 21, told her mother, Sami, her mother, Dennis RichardsDuring Tuesday, March 18, while heading to the examination date. “What if it is very thin, I don’t know. I hope he has done the right amount.”
While assessing the pros and cons of her new nose, Sami participated with her mother that the results “will change [her] The whole life. ”Contrary to its previously hated function, which I considered as a“ need ”instead of“ need. ”
Dennis, 54, was surprised by her daughter’s confession and expressed the extent of her “love” the nose of Sami Mawled.
When the mother and his daughter were in the doctor’s office, Sami asked Dennis to look at her nose first so that she could give the thumb up or down on the results. after Real housewives in Beverly Hills Al -Shab flowed that the work looked “amazing”, Sami took a look at herself and started crying.
Sami said: “I wanted this for a long time. Oh, my God, it looks good. This is how I was dealing with it. I cannot believe it is a real life now.” “I feel beautiful now. Now I feel that I can finally make my head achievements to start modeling. This was the only thing that hinders me … Now I got a good nose.”
The only Creator Creator took its fans on the plastic surgery trip via Tiktok on August 13, 2024, and shared the reason for the importance of the procedure.
“I have wanted a nose job over the past five years. I will have to Photoshop in every photo I took because it was terrible.”
The effect also flowed on how to “amazing” plastic surgeon in Los Angeles, based in Los Angeles Dr. Depac Dogar She conducted during the procedure, but she felt “severe nausea of anesthesia and pain.”
The next day, Sami shared a long update after OP.
“Well, it is the third day recovering from the job, which is still very crazy. Tikhak. “The first thing is that I must support these ointments in my nose, and I cannot love searching there, so you are supposed to put it here only and they said it is doing a lot.” “I hate these things. You know what?
Before her nose, Sami got a breast enlargement in November 2023. Dennis was not on board with a Sami decision and tried to “talk about it” while she was about to remove her own cultivation.
“The reason I take them out is that I did not know how toxic [they are] When I was 19 Championship forces I told the actress hustle at that time. “It is not an easy surgery. It’s painful!”