Datarepublican reveals the dislike patterns of the popular right in a topic that must be read-Twchy

As readers know, conservative influencers have received a lot of things last week.

Datarepublican does what you do better and is looking for information and data to see if there is a way to help identify who does so and why. Of course, if there is a pattern that may help others to avoid stolen.

Take a look:

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  • Genthereagleman was stolen on March 13, residing in Texas.
  • @shawn_farashwas Swint on March 13, probably in Tennessee based on the last x posts. @Cattud2 was confirmed on March 13, in Texas.
  • Realhickory was crushed on March 14, in Indiana, as mentioned in his book X.
  • Beard_vetwas mocked March 16, concluded to be in Nebraska from his personal file X and mentions local law enforcement.
  • Matt_vanswol was stolen on March 16, and confirmed in North Carolina from X positions around the western state of North Carolina.
  • Gragedustin was stolen on March 16, and in Minnesota confirmed his X’s participation on local legislation.

When you look at it like this … Wow. Not to mention this, we saw Juanita Broderick published about the delivery of a group of pizza, so I contacted the police immediately. what is going on? We got it, and the left is not engraved and can be dangerous, but this seems almost arrogant at this stage as if they were daring law enforcement to find them.


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To find common patterns.

Amnesty International has also used an analysis of those who have not been crushed, to determine the distinctive factors. Finally, I am trying to set the following high -priority goals. Follow the topic.

It is one topic Hikova.


He continues to progress.

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… that Mr. Eagleman and Mr. Geiser oppose Israel’s foreign aid, so this is not a pro -Israel blanket.

The things that make you go hrm.

People with big sounds.

When you look at it in this way, with data, it is right, there is a clear pattern.

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Expressing the pro -Israel feelings, or at least the feelings of Hamas’s fight

Often the exaggeration of other Sachon victims in the past Explanation by BASEDMIKELEE

May the “demonstrators” support enthusiastic?

With the exception of Juanita …


Apparently, two other people were stolen this morning:

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… is PodCaster and responds to Eleon frequently.

@Larrytaunton- An unknown location, it seems that Grok believes that Alabama, and another PodCaster with a strong presence x and the number of followers 154.5K.

And Elon worker.

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Extension of the campaign. To date I have Matt_vanswol Those who were stolen at 1:40 am US EST on March 16. Realchasegeiser @joetalkshow Guntheragleman shawn_farash @cattud2 Realhickory Peaberd_vet GRAGEDUSTIN wcdispatch_ @Larrytaunton nicksortor @IMFIREDUP2

We will monitor this.

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