Children need fewer deviations in school

The ruler of Hashoul is right in this phones: If smartphones are banned in New York Public Schools, it must be, the ban from the bell to Bill must be. This means, there are no lunch meals as children sit staring at their devices, and there are no rest periods between the classroom in which children run feverish via Tiktok to update themselves on the latest video. The benefits of an environment free from smartphones exceed the concentration of classrooms: this is also related to building a better social climate in which children can actually look at each other in their eyes, be present and convert to conversations.

We understand Official objections And others who say this ban is very strict. Let students reach their phones in the corridors, during eating, in the family of the family, or anything else. But the camel neck under the tent is more easily after its nose is already released. It is easier to have a clear solid base that schools are educational environments, not places for distraction machines to burn holes in children’s pockets, and to convert teachers to perpetrators throughout the day.

This does not mean that schools must become insulation stalls in which children should be deprived systematically to reach the outside world. Under Hochol’s proposal, Simple phones approved – Which allows phone calls and text messages – will be allowed.

These are the differences with meaningful differences: smartphones are complete computers in the pocket, which tempts children with unended flows of posts, videos, music and much more, including immediate access to Amnesty International robots that make cheat much easier. Other pale devices in comparison.

American cuisine and adolescents have always been absorbed into the internet cycle, with social media that give them motivation and confirmation or not, which spoils their feelings and withdrawing them from the spaces and moments in which they are supposed to be.

together, American adolescents and youth in the midst of the mental health crisisAnd a feeling of disclosure and depression.

The ruling revolves around whether the causal relationship – will be out of decades – but this does not mean that we sit and do nothing. Adults who read research and have an intuitive feeling of how smartphones routinely enter with family dinner and boycott their thought trains know deeply that they should not overcome schools either.

Smartphones are not all bad, and those who portray them in this way go beyond badly. Children can learn how to do almost anything on YouTube. They can combat loneliness by communicating with people like them, even if no one like them in their hometown. They can immediately answer countless questions. They can discover new music. They can make art. They are real technological wonders.

But in the hours where a child is at school, it should be prevented from carrying a mobile TV, or what they call the islands like us box box, or any number of other things that hinder the path of children who focus on what their teacher and other students say.

Keep smartphones outside the classrooms, corridors, lunch rooms and gyms so that more children grow into healthy, happy, balanced and well learned youth. This is really not that difficult.

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