Big Pharma’s bet on GLP-1S, DELOTTE report

In this photo illustration, OzemPIC's boxes rest on a pharmaceutical table on April 17, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.

In this photo illustration, OzemPIC’s boxes rest on a pharmaceutical table on April 17, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.
image: Mario Tama / Employees ((Gety pictures))

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Big Parma is expected to witness large returns from its investments in a category of medicines that NOVO Nordisk’s is famous for ((NVO-2.46 %)) Popular Diabetes Ozmpic.

Deloitte’s annual report, Measuring the return from pharmaceutical innovationI found that the GLP-1 drugs could nourish large returns on the research and development investments it provided last year by the main pharmaceutical makers. The consulting company has analyzed the expected internal rate of the return of late pipelines across 20 pharma.

On average, these companies expect the peak sales of $ 510 million per origin. But when the GLP-1 is excluded, this number decreases sharply to $ 370 million. The internal return rate of the assets of pipelines in the late stage increased from 5.9 % in 2024, from 4.1 % in 2023-driven again in a large part of the GLP-1 medications. Without it, the returns had decreased, as it decreased to 3.8 % in 2024 and 3.4 % in 2023.

This is more important given that the report also found that the average cost to develop a Big Pharma drug was $ 2.23 billion in 2024, up from $ 2.12 billion in the previous year.

GLP-1 drugs simulate hormones that regulate blood sugar and the suppression ((To-1.53 ​​%)) And Novo Nordisk becomes the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Elie Lily to lose weight Zepbound made $ 4.9 billion in annual revenuesWhile the treatment of Novo Nordisk reached almost 8 billion dollars in sales.

I noticed Wall Street. Since the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agreed to Zepbound in November 2023, Eli Lilly has increased by more than 40 %, which prompted the market value beyond $ 750 billion. Novo Nordisk has seen an acute rise, as its shares have risen more than 76 % since the launch of Wegovy in 2021.

With these huge returns, many companies – including Novo NordskElie Lily, VizarAnd Amgen – Progress The next generation of GLP-1 drugs And investigating its capabilities for new uses, such as Treating breathing stop during sleep And improve heart health.

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