BBC News provides the dispute on the “Levant” recruitment process

BBC News Martin Crocal, Karen Gyanon, Cassia Madeira, and Anita McFig have settled a three -year dispute over what they described as a “trick” process.

The deadline revealed earlier this week that experienced news broadcasters were conducting talks with the BBC due to a settlement before the recruitment court on March 17 in London. They have now agreed to an agreement to end their legal procedures, although the terms of the settlement are not disclosed.

In a statement, the offers providers said: “We can confirm that we have reached a decision with the BBC administration that avoids the need for a court in court regarding our job demands.

“The lengthy process has now ended for about three years. We were deeply affected by the support we received. We are looking to contribute to the success of BBC news, especially for live programming and growing broadcasting services that are very important to our fans.”

The sources said this week that the settlement was in the interest of both sides. The BBC had wanted to avoid an expensive, costly, with a title with four experienced offers, which are likely to be concluded with sensitive internal discussions. Meanwhile, Croxall, Giannone, Madera and McVEIGH are again regular combinations on BBC News after a period outside the air.

During a preliminary hearing last year, BBC news anchors claimed that they were forced on the screen for a year and were harassed after they were victims of the “forged” recruitment process in January 2023. Women applied to become major on the BBC news channel, but they claimed that managers had determined their favorite candidates before the recruitment process. They also submitted sexual and relevant sexual discrimination.

BBC stood besides the “strict and fair” recruitment process, and concluded an internal investigation of human resources in 2023 that the chief successful offering of the successful offers was no longer their jobs before conducting an open employment. The company refused to comment, but the source confirmed the settlement.

Offers showers have argued that BBC News “confirmed in particular four senior showcases – two men and two years younger – their jobs were safe.” After challenging the operation, Croxall, Giannone, Madera and McVEIGH claimed that they had lost their jobs, while their ranks were reduced and others were facing a wage reduction. Successful candidates Matthew Amerolala, Cristian Fraser, Yalda Hakim, Lucy Hawking and Maryam Moschiri. Hakim has since left the BBC in favor of Sky News.

Those responsible for the employment process are no longer responsible for the BBC news channel. The former news channel editor Jess Brammar is now working as a BBC editorial executive, and works closely with the Charlotte Moore content chief. Naja Nielsen, the BBC News, leaves the company to join the Swedish public broadcaster SVT.

Crocsal, Jianon, Madeira and Makafi also submitted requests for gender discrimination, but the London Central Employment Court judge last year that this could not be part of the main session because they had previously reached the settlement of salaries. Last November, the National Union told reporters that women are planning to appeal the decision, but their demand has now been withdrawn as part of the settlement.

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