HackerNoon Newsletter: 40 BTC Quotes in 280 Characters or Less (1/22/2025)

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🪐 What is happening in the world of technology today, January 22, 2025?

The HackerNoon Newsletter brings the HackerNoon homepage directly to your inbox. On this day,

Apple aired its famous “1984” commercial during the Super Bowl In 1984, In the landmark decision of Roe v. Wade, the right to abortion became a federal right In 1973, Kmart has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy In 2002, we bring you these high-quality stories. from
Here are the frameworks you need to build a real-time chat app
40 BTC quotes in 280 characters or lesslet’s delve into it.

By @noonion [ 15 Min read ] Revenues are up, expenses are down, our blogging network is growing, and audience metrics are thriving. Read all about it here! Read more.

By @juancguerrero [ 5 Min read ] Newman was not failing at conventional work; He was trying something completely different: bridging multiple levels of consciousness in an outdated system Read more.

By @harishk22 [ 13 Min read ] Build a real-time chat app with Laravel Reverb, Sanctum, and Nuxt 3. Learn about secure authentication, real-time updates, and modern chat features. Read more.

By @make8 [ 5 Min read ] Enjoy 40 Bitcoin quotes from my Twitter feed, and thoughts on Bitcoin’s role in improving professional protection groups in our state. Read more.

By @axotion [ 5 Min read ] Nestjs-mailer package is a modern tool for creating dynamic email templates and sending emails effortlessly. Read more.

🧑‍💻 What happened in your world this week?

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