Public daily insight on March 18, 2025
Today’s positive flow of cosmic energy is available to all of us to use it for us. The moon is in Scorpio, so we may be vulnerable to expressing greatly from our deepest feelings. However, there will be a desire for some lifting when the moon moves to Queonx with the lucky Jupiter in Mechanism. The moon will then get a beautiful trace with the Mars Movement in Cancer at 7:56 pm EST, which helps us to use our emotions such as gas in the tank.
March 21 – April 19
Direct your current feelings publicly. Sometimes it is easy to ignore your inner voice or suppress your soul, but a beautiful show between the moon in your eighth intimate home and the implicit Mars in your fourth emotional home encourages you to restore anything. This does not mean that you need to melt in a pool of tears, of course. You only need to do your best to live in a life that embodies the safe comfort you need, then it works from that space. It should be wonderful.
April 20 – May 20
It is a good day to be open with people. The special Mars between the moon in your partnership sector and Energizer in your telecommunications sector blesses your way to meet with the people who get you, and those who want to work together to make something special. This distinctive thing can be a permanent legitimate or plan to get a few fun hours all over the city together. Whatever your goals, you should be easier when there are two of you.
May 21 – June 20
You can accomplish a lot without bending back to achieve this. Efficiency is practically your middle name while running through your sixth responsible home, and you can use this energy well in particular when the moon discharges Mars in your second precious home. The work you are doing can now make you a beautiful penny – you can also discover new vehicles that can increase your net wealth. Little work should build great results.
June 21 – July 22
You have more energy than you know what to do! The moon dances through your fifth home, which lives loudly, and from this exciting situation, it will be in line with Mars in your appetite brand, which gives you the additional gravity to chase after your desires. The fifth house is a very creative area, so don’t be shy about expressing yourself in unusual ways, even if they feel outside the box. The coloring should be outside the lines only what the doctor requested.
July 23 – August 22
Let your feelings flow like the river: away from you. The angle of care between the moon in the house of fourth feelings and Mars will direct you in your twelfth launch house through this process, especially when it comes to expressing any heavier feelings that you have. Instead of sitting stubbornly in these feelings and holding your past, you will actively express them and then leave them actively. Think about doing something like the purification ceremony to present an official farewell to them.
August 23 – September 22
Your imagination is not if you feel unusual today. The moon is in your loud third home with Mars in your eleventh outgoing home. This is a great time to communicate with people, whether they have been friends for a long time knowing you well or the new acquaintances are welcomed in your life. If you are considering subscribing to a specific group or club, this will be the perfect time. You should feel at home with this fresh crew.
September 23 – October 22
There is a degree of gold at the end of the rainbow, but if you want it, you will have to get there quickly. The moon in your second satisfaction house is to make a special Treen for Mars in your tenth advertising house, and puts you for leaps and limits in the direction of this gold. As long as you are ready to place the drive and energy required to reach it, success can be for you! The work should be worth it.
the scorpion
October 23 – November 21
There are many opportunities to the extent that your main problem may be to decide anything to follow! You put your finger on the pulse while the moon moves through your brand, which gives you an intuitive awareness, you can use it perfectly as the moon takes Mars in your ninth home. The world is really your buffet at the present time. You can go further than ever, but try to stick to one path so as not to risk entering circles.
November 22 – December 21
You are approaching a kind of finish. A strong gate is opened when the moon is in your twelfth home from Mars in the eighth transformation house in the eighth transformation house. If you choose to overcome it, metaphorically, you can bring an old cycle from your life to finish, creating space for something new to start around the corner. This is not an end you should fear, so don’t worry that something means that you will escape your grip. Fate in playing.
December 22 – January 19
It is only one person to change your day. It is likely to tend to travel in a package while the moon is in the eleventh network, but one person can prove that it is more central than the rest once the moon is launched in the Central Treen movement with Mars in the seventh communication home. Mars raises work, so someone may say or do something that draws your attention. There is no need to try to ignore it – move forward and welcome them.
January 20 – February 18
There is a simple reason and impact for today. The moon in your tenth reputation house leads Mars in your sixth home of your daily work. Their alignment makes it unusually easy to lock the task on hand and move forward in the finish line. If the project before it looks completely arduous, start turning it into smaller parts you can process one by one. When you work, you will see results.
February 19 – March 20
There is no limit to fun – at least you are not for you. The moon is in your ninth home, which has no limits, is the jumping of Mars in your fifth beloved home, and puts you for one day of excitement when you leave all boring and worldly things on the back stove while chasing your dreams. Such opportunities are rare, so make a list that really brings you joy, then go in this direction. There is a treasure displayed, so don’t leave it buried!
It was originally published: