“Trump whispered”? The Mexican President’s strategy faces its largest test yet

The president stood amid crowds and declared victory.

“We have gathered here to congratulate ourselves because-in relations with the United States, with its government-the corruption and respect of the dialogue,” President Claudia Shinbum said to lovers collected in her historical ruling party in the capital, or Zuklo, at the edge of Mega, which was organized by her ruling party.

On March 9, Shinbom, Shinbom, urges how, so far, has gone on a very risky narrow rope: President Trump appealed and postponed the legislation of most of the threatened definitions, while persuading his Mexican colleagues that she will not give up national weapons to the import interface that may already be able to lie down.

“We will always put respect for our beloved country and our blessed nation above all.”

Her calibration accurately – and she repeatedly emphasizes the need to maintain a “cold head” in customs tariff talks – Shenbum has gained a reputation as a kind of whisper Trump, a rare national leader who seems to have discovered how to play the congregation in New York. Her phone calls at eleven o’clock with Trump twice helped to stop the imposition of new definitions.

Thousands of supporters attend a experimental gathering where Mexican President Claudia Xinbum speaks in Zaklo, Mexico City on March 9. The march was held after President Trump stopped suspending the definitions of Mexico a few days ago.

(Anadolu via Getty Images)

Many Mexicans coincide with the treatment of Xinbum with a sensitive dilemma.

“It is difficult when you have to negotiate the economic future of your country with a person like Trump, who says one thing today, something else tomorrow,” said Laura Mendoza, 36, who runs a capital store selling food goods. It faces a lot of challenges. We have to give her time. Many problems of this country will not be solved within a few months. “

The US President praised himself as a “wonderful woman”, a flagrant contradiction with his usual extraction of other world leaders, especially former Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Unlike Trudeau, who criticized Trump and described import taxes as a “stupid idea”, Shinabum maintained the tone of her general comments directly, but civilianand Even when Trump denounced a “unbearable alliance” between her government and her organized crime. I also took action.

Xinbom sent forces to the northern border to deter illegal immigration and launched a suppression of law enforcement that witnessed increasingly arrests of alleged drugs, heats on nearly daily drug laboratories and record technical seizures in fentanel, which is the artificial opium blaming tens of thousands of excessive death of the United States.

Its administration has handed over more than 29 alleged drug carters to Washington in a quick -track process that exceeded the official delivery procedures.

It seems that “hugs, not lead,” drawn on the rear vision mirror, is the “hugs not lead” approach in its predecessor and its teacher, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who avoided direct confrontation with the cartals in favor of financing social programs mostly from the unknown effort to create weak youth from joining organized crime – which is considered greater than employers.

So far, US law enforcement authorities-who had a tense relationship with President Lopez Oberrador-have sometimes praised Chenebum Cooperation in moisture operations, including secret drone flights in Mexico in the clear research of illegal drug laboratories.

Aside from the formation of international praise, the first woman in Mexico seems real popular among many Mexicans, if not most of them, despite the inevitable complaints about the country’s apparently difficult problems – deadly crime, increased prices, and deep corruption.

Sheinbauum polls, who took office on October 1, showed unusual approval rankings at 70 %.

However, some wonder about the amount of popularity on a shaky land, a comment that is likely to be short -term of the permanent affection for LUópez Obrador, who delivered aid to the needy Mexicans. It was a strategy, while helping the poor, the long poor and the working class and build political support at the level of al -Qaeda, from the point of view of critics, and left the country in an economic predicament.

“Although the wonderful head that bought her time against Trump’s threats is worthy of … the sword of Damocles, which Trump does not disappear on our neck.” “behind [Sheinbaum’s] “I continued,” referring to the personal popularity and its party, that there are inevitable facts, “noting the economic difficulties of the country and deep divisions about the Judicial Reform Pack supported by Shinbum, which critics view as a radical step towards one party hegemony.

In the eyes of many, the amazing Shinbum assurances that Mexico will exceed a somewhat premature tariff disaster, such as the praise it has received all over the world as a leader who knows how to deal with Trump.

“The president says she is confident that there will be no more customs tariff, but this is the work of Iman,” wrote the author of the column Raymondo Riva Palacio at El Fantormiero: “Trump cannot be encrypted, even for those closest to him.”

To date, the skeptical note, Shinbom has not won any guarantees from the Trump administration, as well as postponing the threat of import taxes of 25 % on most of the goods shipped to the United States, a destination for more than 80 % of Mexico exports. Trump also did not exempt Mexico from the customs tariff for steel and aluminum imports on Wednesday.

These drawings seem to give a hole in the complex architecture of the United States, Mexico and Cananga agreement, a trade -out trade agreement that the Trump administration negotiated as the “Trump word) of the North America’s free trade agreement (NAFTA), which described Trump as” the worst commercial deal ever. “

Unlike Canada, Mexico decided not to impose reprisal fees on American imports in response to metal tariffs, preferring to wait until the deadline for the following tariff, April 2.

It was originally intended in the city center’s march as a forum to reveal a slap tariff against American imports, a muscle display by Mexico. Although Trump stopped the tariff, Shinbom chose to move forward with the gathering, describing it as a “party.”

“What did the president celebrate?” Riva Palacio’s request. “A new pause, which does not cancel the threat.”

Shinbom, the former mayor of Mexico, was the Caliph of Obrador, the founder of the Maurina party who is now dominating Mexican policy. Both are activists for life from the left. Both of them condemned the free trade as a beating in favor of the wealthy.

A historical snapshot of Sheinbauum-a young scientist who works a doctorate at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California-with her colleagues from Mexican students protesting the presence of the University of Stanford from former Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gurartari, a free variable. The young Shinbum, and poetry in a head gang, waving a remarkable challenge declaring (in English): “fair trade and democracy now !!”

But both López Obrador and Sheinbauum-Old Schools, Pol, Far and Steel Telepers in the United States-eventually adopted the trade of the United States and Mexico. Both of them put an ideology aside and turned pragmatism in its intrigues to purify Trump, despite its long history of virtuous Mexico and Mexican immigrants.

But Shinbom is also not ashamed to talk to the Trump administration. When Trump announced that the Gulf of Mexico should be called the Gulf of America, it was sarcastically sustained by the “Mexican America”, noting the colonial era maps of this title.

“This looks beautiful, no?” I mocked.

When it was asked Friday about the recent comments from Ronald Johnson, a former military officer who was nominated as an American ambassador in Mexico, that “everything on the table” when it comes to reducing drug gangs, she mocked Shinbom.

She and other officials are deeply concerned about the possibility of unilateral US military strikes against Mexican drug gangs – the idea that Trump has long been embracing.

Even more than customs tariffs, a US military attack on Mexican soil is likely to test the wonderful Shinbaum approach.

“We do not agree,” Shinbom replied when asked about Johnson’s military reflections. He said everything is on the table. This is not on the table. Not on the chair. Not on the ground. Not anywhere. “

Special correspondent Cecilia Sanchez Vidal contributed to this report.

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