Thousands of fish die in the northern rivers damaged by the hurricane amid reports on snakes and crabs fleeing from “Blackwateer” | A tropical hurricane Alfred

Thousands of dead fish were washed on the beach along the Richmond River in Balina in northern New South Wales, after they were flooded in the region from the former Farid Hurricane, according to the charitable fish of the fish.

The group said it had received “numerous” reports from the public in killing fish, including photographs and messages that show “fish that are panting in air, or washing dead.”

He also heard reports of crabs of clay and snakes that leave water due to the circumstances.

It seems that the large floods that struck the northern rivers before and after the hurricane Alfred crossed the coastal line has contributed to the “Blackwateer” event – where the organic materials are washed in the waterways. As materials analyze, they remove oxygen from water, causing fish and other water life.

The CEO of Ozfish, Cassie PRICE, said that Blackwater was the potential cause of the killing of fish and the deadly photographs showed, briri, Whitang, shrimp and other marine life.

Kassi Price, CEO of Ozfish, said that healthy water should contain at least 5 mg of oxygen per liter, but the current levels were less than the tenth of this number. Photo: Ozfish

She said that the volunteers tested the quality of water at different points along the Richmond River and “the results are not good”.

Price said that healthy water should contain at least 5 mg of oxygen per liter, but the current levels were less than tenth of this number.

“In the Richmond River today, the levels of dissolved oxygen are no less than that of no 0.4 mg per liter.”

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“Fish suffers from distress when less than 4 mg/liter, and start death at 2MG/L.”

A similar position occurred in 2022, After the last severe flood In northern rivers.

Price said that “urgent work” should be taken to prevent further killings in fish, including the restoration of Swamplands along the Richmond gatherings. She said this would build flexibility in waterways and reduce the intensity of Blackwateer events.

She said: “The healthy quagmire, which limits rivers, is a sieve, or a candidate, reduces Blackoter from entering the waterway.”

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