The United States says that the ambassador in South Africa is no longer welcome. “| Donald Trump’s news

The Trump administration has often broke out with South Africa due to the legacy of apartheid and the criticism of Israel.

The administration of President Donald Trump, South African Ambassador, Ibrahim Rasul, has announced an unwanted figure in the United States.

In a post on social media on Friday, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio said that Rasol “is no longer welcome in our great country.”

“Ibrahim Rasoul is a politician with a taste of sweat that hates America and hates Potos,” Rubio booksUsing the abbreviation of the President of the United States.

“We have nothing to discuss with him, and therefore he is considered an unwanted personality.”

Rubio linked his remarks to an article by the right -wing media outlet, where Rasool quoted as saying that Trump mobilized “superior instinct” and “white victim” as a “dog whistle” during the 2024 elections.

Rasol’s expulsion is the latest in a series of moves made by the Trump administration that manufactures South Africa, a country that has supported Palestinian rights and helped to lead a case in the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing Israel, an American ally, from the genocide in Gaza.

Earlier this week, News Outlet Semafor stated that Rasool, a veteran diplomat, has been rejected usually from routine opportunities to speak with US State Department officials, as well as with high -ranking Republicans since Trump’s opening.

Rasol returned to his position as South African ambassador to the United States in January. He previously worked in the round from 2010 to 2015, during the presidency of Barack Obama.

South Africa controls the African National Conference (ANC), a party that came out of the anti -schizophrenic conflict that ended the rule of the white minority in that country.

But her government was the target of the Trump administration and allies like right billionaire Elon Musk, who is of South Africa.

The Trump government accused the African National Congress party of discrimination against its white population.

Trump carried out aid to South Africa, and in February-at a time when the White House had closed the admission to almost entire refugees for people fleeing violence and repression all over the world-Trump has an urgent nationality of African white “to escape the ordinary discrimination that the government arises.”

This announcement was in response to the Land Distribution Law aimed at addressing the inequality that has continued since the era of apartheid. The South African government says Trump is misleading about the law, which has not been used to confiscate any land.

Vincent Magwinia, a spokesman for Southern African President Cyril Ramavusa, told Reuters that his country “will not participate in counter -control diplomacy” – referring to Trump’s tendency to make mistakes about South Africa on social media.

Despite Trump’s photography of Avrikanis as a besieged minority, the South African authorities say the economic heritage of the apartheid, during which South Africa practiced semi -Total control over the economy, in levels of economic inequality between the black and white population.

A governmental review of 2017 found that while blacks constitute 80 percent of the population of South Africa, they owned only 4 percent of agricultural lands that own the private sector.

The egg African, who owns the vast majority of agricultural lands in South Africa, is only 8 percent of the population.

Rasoul and his family were expelled from their home in Cape Town during the apartheid period, when blacks were forcefully transferred to the inspected non -white areas without any resources or economic opportunities.

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