As measles spread in Texas, newborns exposed to the virus at Lubuk Hospital

On Wednesday, a woman at Lubok Hospital, Texas, gave birth to the outbreak of deadly and fast -growing measles. Doctors did not realize that the young mother was accepted and in labor she had measles.

By that time, other new mothers, newborn children and their families at the University Medical Center Hospital in Lopuk have been exposed to the virus, who are considered one of the most stomach in the world.

Hospital staff scrambles with efforts to control damage – implementing emergency concealment policies and giving children who are not more than three days old, injection of immunoglobulin, an antibiotic body that helps fight the fragile immune system.

A 2021 studies I found that the treatment is very effective in protecting newborns exposed from the disease.

“These children have not asked for this exposure,” said Chad Carey, head of training at the University Medical Center. “But at the end of the day, this is the only way we can protect them.”

Curry or UMC representatives can give an accurate number of newborn children.

It is not clear when the woman tested positive for the group. Public health officials throw an extensive network in an attempt to communicate with everyone who may be exposed to this particular patient. Viral particles can live in the air or on the surfaces for up to two hours.

It is a setback for public health officials on the front lines in an attempt to stop the outbreak of escalation.

Healthcare workers offer shots of immunoglobulin for children who are not more than three days old in this mobile medical unit in an attempt to protect them from exposure to grain. Edwards / NBC News

At the end of last week, Catherine Wales, Director of Public Health at the Ministry of Health at Lubuk, said she felt that the disease was out of control. At that time, the cases appear to have reached their climax. Doctors ’offices have become intelligent in ensuring that patients who are likely to have a pile exited other patients.

“We seem to go back to the first box,” she said in an interview on Friday.

The outbreak of this week from Texas and New Mexico expanded to Oklahoma, where two cases were confirmed. I mentioned New Mexico 35 Cases.

West Texas is still the center of the disease that started last month. Friday, and Health services for the Ministry of State in Texas I mentioned 259 measles. Most (201) were in children and adolescents.

A 6 -year -old girl died in Gens County, Texas. Another death in an adult in New Mexico is under investigation. None of them was vaccinated against measles.

In general, the current number of total cases exceeded in 2024.

Carrie, who was running many immunoglobulin shots to newborns in recent days, stressed that these children would need vaccination when they are old enough.

“This is only good for a short period of time,” he said. “They still need vaccination. This is the only total protection.”

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