In addition, it is easy to assemble the pregnant woman, disassemble it and beams in the event of a imitator to store or travel!
A long promising review, but it is worthy of attention: “Features of love: the cotton fabric is strong and outlet. I never feel the population of the way I do in a nylon swing. Setting/downloading is very easy, and the frame is very strong We definitely put 300 pounds.
The ability to raise and reduce the swing with multiple hook situations may be the best feature. I have a bad knee and I like to enter the swing from a higher position … no problem. My children love her so that they can reach the ground for swinging … no problem.
It works great as a traditional swing in it. It works as a “swing” to sit on. It contains enough fabric that you can cover up if you are cold or want to prevent light or bugs.
We left it accidentally in the rain several times, and dried out wonderfully, He did not fade from the sun, had no template, and did not develop any strange smell.
Things you do not like: nothing! This is a great swing. It may not be carried like these small nylon hues, but if it is for a move and not for camping, it is difficult to overcome. ” -” –Mary
Get it from Amazon 76.02 dollars+ (Available in a variety of 15 colors).