11 wonderful photos from Sony World Photography Awards

The fox retracts snow. Mother’s elephant is trying to help lift the wheel of the muddy river. Jeep looks quiet with meditation.

the 2025 Sony World Photography Awards She announced the winners of the ten and honored category in the list of specialists for the open competition. “The open competition celebrates the ability of an individual image to capture and distract a unique moment, and stimulate a broader narration,” explains a press release.

In the natural world category and wildlife, the first place went to an installed image (seen above) for a group of polar bears on the body of a whale in East Greenland. The image was filmed by Estebane Rezkallah from France.

A wild fox filmed in Gran Paradeso, Italy.
Copyright: © ILENA FASCI, Italy, List, Open Competition, Natural World and Wildlife, 2025 Sony World Photography Awards

The open year photographer in London will be announced on April 16, 2025. Global Photo Organization.

Facing the leopard is a rare moment and breathtaking. These majestic cats were photographed in Lake Nakuru, Kenya, deep in the fever forest. In the beginning she was floating on a branch, but then toured elegantly along her huge stink-a real tackle experience for the photographer.
“Leopard Leopard Fever Tree”
Facing the leopard is a rare moment and breathtaking. These majestic cats were photographed in Lake Nakuru, Kenya, deep in the fever forest. In the beginning she was floating on a branch, but then toured elegantly along her huge stink-a real tackle experience for the photographer.
Copyright: © Peter Dylani, Ireland, the brief list, open competition, natural world and wildlife, 2025 Sony World Photography Awards
This polar bear was just swimming through the sea entrance before storming a remote compartment along the coastal line of the coliarbyen, on Svles Island. After penetrating the window, the bear spent some time exploring the interior, getting out of the window and throwing items. The photo was taken from a small boat at a distance.
This polar bear was just swimming through the sea entrance before storming a remote compartment along the coastal line of the coliarbyen, on Svles Island. After penetrating the window, the bear spent some time exploring the interior, getting out of the window and throwing items. The photo was taken from a small boat at a distance.
Copyright: © Daniel Hanapus, UK, List, Open Competition, Natural World and Wildlife, 2025 Sony World Photography Awards
The swap squadron was filmed from a boat on Kirki Lake, Greece.
“Dilmasi Pelican”
The swap squadron was filmed from a boat on Kirki Lake, Greece.
Publishing rights: © Gianni Maitan, Italy, short menu, open competition, Natural World & Wildlife, 2025 Sony World Photography Awards
This elephant relaxes the hurry dwarf, which was unable to climb the sharp river to join the herd after they crossed the Kinabangan River in Borneo. The second elephant provides support from behind the child. The herd returned to the river and continued in the direction of the river course for an hour until they found a place where the calf could come out safely.
“We will find a way”
This elephant relaxes the hurry dwarf, which was unable to climb the sharp river to join the herd after they crossed the Kinabangan River in Borneo. The second elephant provides support from behind the child. The herd returned to the river and continued in the direction of the river course for an hour until they found a place where the calf could come out safely.
Copyright: © Tara Kene, Ireland, brief list, open competition, world natural and Wildlife, 2025 Sony World Photography Awards
In a defensive form, this Mantis looks like rock music singer on the stage.
In a defensive form, this Mantis looks like rock music singer on the stage.
Copyright: © Hassan Powar, Cyprus, brief list, open competition, natural world, life and gossip, 2025 Sony World Photography Awards
The great blue parties love to hunt at the base of a small corridor where large fish gather in amazing water. Although the photographer has taken pictures of the sad hunting fish here on many occasions, the early morning sun was in the right corner only to light the spray water, giving the scene a different look.
“Splish Splash”
The great blue parties love to hunt at the base of a small corridor where large fish gather in amazing water. Although the photographer has taken pictures of the sad hunting fish here on many occasions, the early morning sun was in the right corner only to light the spray water, giving the scene a different look.
Copyright: © Christopher Baker, United States, List, Open Competition, Natural World and Wildlife, 2025 Sony World Photography Awards
With absurd looks, this Gibbon sits in calm meditation. Her concentrated expression reveals the depth of her intelligence and the feeling of curiosity that defines these wonderful main princesses.
With absurd looks, this Gibbon sits in calm meditation. Her concentrated expression reveals the depth of her intelligence and the feeling of curiosity that defines these wonderful main princesses.
Publishing rights: © Pedro Jarque Krebs, Peru, List, Open Competition, Natural World & Wildlife, 2025 Sony World Photography Awards
This lion was struggling to withdraw the body of Buffalo half -eating into a nearby bush in Masai Mara, Kenya. The sacrifice was very heavy, forcing the lion to take frequent rest periods. This moment highlights the tremendous voltage and the predation of the predator.
“Survival weight”
This lion was struggling to withdraw the body of Buffalo half -eating into a nearby bush in Masai Mara, Kenya. The sacrifice was very heavy, forcing the lion to take frequent rest periods. This moment highlights the tremendous voltage and the predation of the predator.
Publishing rights: © Klara Zamourilova, Czechia, List, Open Competition, Natural World & Wildlife, 2025 Sony World Photography Awards
The rhinoceros and the mother wheel comes to drink at night in East South Africa, creating beautiful repercussions in fixed water.
“A single -century night”
The rhinoceros and the mother wheel comes to drink at night in East South Africa, creating beautiful repercussions in fixed water.
Copyright: © Martin Steenhaut, Belgium, Local List, Open Competition, Natural World & Wildlife, 2025 Sony World Photography Awards

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